
How do you tell your parents you want your laptop back?

by  |  earlier

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Well, recently, my mom took my laptop away.

They think I am addicted to a game called "maplestory."

I'm really not addicted, and don't play it anymore.

It's just, I play a private server where I have very close friends with.

I don't really play Maplestory anymore, I just go on to see my friends and keep in touch with them.

Also, I make YouTube videos and currently have 203 subscribers and growing! I love to make YouTube videos too.

What should I do to get my laptop back?





  1. say you want it back. duh

  2. dude this exact same thing happened to me, in fact i got my laptop back 2 weeks ago and I'm installing maple story right now. The thing is, at least with my parents, you have to pretend like you don't need the laptop. don't ask for it and for a couple weeks maybe just do other things and don't even mention it. Then they will start to realize that you are not addicted to it. You have to be patient, don't be surprised if you dont get it back for 2-3 weeks or longer.

    PS: the first few days you get it back barely go on it if at all, if you spend 8 hours on your laptop the first day you get it back then they will       think it was a mistake to give it to you and think your addicted.

    Hope this helps, good luck   =]

  3. Well, their arguments may be valid. It's not good to sit in front of your computer all day, every day. I should know. That's what I do.

    If your explanation here doesn't convince them, then there's not much you can do.  

  4. Try contacting your friends with AIM or a non maple story fashion, then you will never need to go on there.  

  5. You have 3 options:                 1. Give me my d**n laptop back now, if you think im addicted, your crazy.              2. Mommy dearest, please can I have my laptop back, im really not addicted.           3. Send her an email saying one of these.

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