When I was a very young child I was sexually abused by my day carers and have had trouble throughout the whole of my teenage (I am now approaching 22) forming lasting relationships with people, I am absolutely terrified of crowds of people, of sometimes even the most basic of physical contact and being placed in situations where I am unable to see an escape makes my skin crawl and I fidget, I have also been on antidepressants for as long as I can remember and frequently swing from being "normal" and happy, to being suicidal.
Somehow despite all of this I managed to form a relationship with someone over the internet, and over the course of a year and several meet ups I have finally emigrated to be with her and I love every minute of our time together, but my problems are causing a strain on our relationship. I find myself unable to have s*x unless I am *completely* comfortable and feel safe, which is rare, and when we're in public I become uncomfortable when she touches me and moves to kiss me, not because I don't want to and she's beginning to think it's because I am not turned on by her. She doesn't know about my past and I'm so lost as to what to do, I don't know how to tell her, I've tried but I can't find the words and I just retreat into myself and become distant from her, and I can see it in her face the hurt it's causing both of us. I need to tell her but I can't :(
I'm so absolutely terrified she'll reject me because of it.
Somebody help me, I'm so lost