
How do you think Americans would of reacted if the build up to 9/11 was reversed?

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For example if the government allowed the Saud's to build military bases across America. i.e. in Texas etc. would this have seen right-winged Christians bomb the Saud's if the government refused to remove them?

Interested in thought on the matter. By no means does this justify the actions of either parties or the events.




  1. Your "what if" question makes absolutely NO sense.

    "What if's are like Christmas candy"

  2. This is not a reverse scenario. Your assumption is that 9/11 happened because the Saud's allowed the US to build a military base in Saudi Arabia.

    The Saudi's invited the US to build military bases in the SA, because like many other nations in the World - they have relinquished to responsibility to defend themselves to the US. It’s the US’s largest form of welfare and foreign aid.  Other countries decry the US for spending so much on defense.  The anti-military left decry the amount of money spent on the military. But, the world depends on it.

    Hence, the reason there are military bases in Saudi Arabia. The Saudis turned down bin Laden’s offer to defend the Holy land with his band of terrorist thugs when Saddam Hussein threatened to invade Saudi Arabia after invading Kuwait in the early 90’s. Why would you leave the protection of your country against what was then considered the greatest military force in the Middle East  to a bunch of terrorist thugs?

    The US steps up to the plate. Again. Like it has for Europe, Japan, South Korea and many others.

    But, here is the flaw in your question. While bin Laden gave the excuse of the US having military bases in Saudi Arabia as justification to the attacks on 9/11, that isn’t really the cause.  There were hundreds of radical Muslim terrorist attacks on the US and US interest prior to have a military base in Saudi Arabia.

    The plain and simple truth as to why radical Islamic terrorists attacked the US on 9/11 is because we stand up for the little people that they are trying to subject to oppressive rule or worse, death. More to the point, the US was attacked on 9/11 because we prevent the terrorist Islamic thugs of the Middle East from killing Jews and taking over Israel.

    So that’s it, when boiled down to the bare bones. 9/11 was because we (the US) protect Jews from being slaughtered in the Middle East.

  3. wow this is an amazing question. but i probably think first off the government would try to cover it up. or blame the explosion on some gas pipes

  4. if American civilian casualties reached the level of Iraqi ones nuclear warheads would be launched - i absolutely guarantee with the fool you presently have to make the final decision AMERICA would nuke anyone if it was in America like it is in Iraq right now -  that 50% of everyone who dies of anything dies a violent death.( and you really don't want to know the % figure for just children you would be sick on your screen)-  

    That's how bad we've made it in iraq that's what total scum we are.



  5. please think of world peace and welfare of the humanity. every thought has its impact; and we should always be positive thinking and pray for the welfare of the humanity.

  6. Americans would not be nearly as racist. I, being an Indian-American, and being born in America, am not as bothered as others, like innocent Muslims, or people from all over, and people from different religion. But my parents were born in India, so they they have a somewhat harder time. America used to be a country for everyone. Anyone was welcome here, it is one of the most culturally diversed nations in the world. But things have changed so much from 9/11, and I wish that some Americans could see how their actions impact on others. Good question, thanks.

  7. I am not even sure how much any of the Middle Eastern governments had to do with 9-11.

    After all, Iraq had no Taliban or Al Quaida, Saddam shot everyone of them if that ever entered the country.

    Bin Laden was not part of the Taliban govt in Afghanistan either.

    You are right to mention Saudi though. Bin Laden and all the hijackers came from there originally.

    It would be more like if a couple of office towers in China got blown up, USA got blames and the whole world stood back and watched as USSR and China blew USA off the face of the earth.

    The fact is that Iraq got invaded for something it had nothing to do with. It had not terrorists flying planes, it had no WMDs, it did not even have warplanes or tanks left.

    They did not even have any missiles left.

    The UN trade sanctions had done their job, and Iraq had run out of parts to service their military equipment.


    So how would America have reacted if they were small and the whole world had decided to sacrifice them to China?

    Likely not very graciously.


    PS, in cases K.K .does not realize it, Saudi is USA's second favourite ally in the Middle East, second only to Israel.



    9-11 was not a bombing for one thing.

    It was a terrorist act carried out by a splinter cell that had been created by a former CIA employee called Osama bin Laden.

    Bin Laden was not a member, or in the employment, of any Government in the region.

    If you want to see something funny then check out where his funding came from.

    Taliban are Wahabi, which is an extremely fundamentalist part of the Sunni sect of Islam and are centered in Saudi Arabia, your most beloved friends.


    Sir Roxalot nails the situation pretty well.

  8. No, I don't think so.

  9. I may have the wrong approach, but  from what Ive learned from reading different Factual Events.

    9/11 had nothing to do, with Military Base's or Religious Dogma.

    It was all about, the one thing that Americans are centred upon.


    Look at what 9/11 was. The Twin Towers, which housed how many International Financial Institutions, and associated enterprises.

    WHY, was it centred towards money.

    Because it is rather obvious, that the main Target of the  USA Populace was MONEY.

    Why had there been at least 3 attempts, at demolishing the Twin Towers.

    Because 'Ben Louden', wanted to hurt America as badly as he possibly could.

    Why, because the Americans had been playing 'tug of war' with the old USSR.

    Over the Oil fields of Iran and Iraq for 35yrs and that 'Tug of War'. Meant backing one Family Group/Village/Aristocracy or Religion against the  other.

    The the Middle East, being the Middle East i.e Dysfunctional.

    That backing would change after a time, whether they changed sides or the sponsors changed sides I dont know.

    All I do know is, similar situations have been arrising ever since of Alexander of Macedonia marched all the way through Iran/Iraq.

    Sometime in 300-200BC.

  10. Americans would have still been affected in simialr ways

  11. I understand your Question, the American Indian fought a Valiant fight & were Labled Savage's by the resource hungry Invaders.

    It is obivious that the Middle East is suffering from an American Occupation of slaughter & suffering from our 50 years of influance... EXAMPLE:

    would you appreciate another Country comming into your neighborhood & blowing up your house for ANY reason?

    Or giving Billions of Dollars for Arms to your neighboring Enemys?

    None of it makes any sence unless you have Stock in Companys that manufacture weapons & combat support material.

    By the way.... this qusetion does not refer to ANY type of cover up...???

    it's refering to the absurity of travleing accross an Ocean & trying to peddle our Opinion on who people we have little understanding of and Forceing our American/Christian belief's on.

    if they dont like us & want us DEAD... why not just vaporize them. It would be much simpler & cost alot less.

    B U T, the only reason they Hate US is because we are in their Front & Back yard their homes and Not Leaving anytime soon regardless of what your being told.

  12. that's life!!

  13. What does this mean you think 9/11 was a coverup?, sorry for telling you but it was NOT a coverup nomatter what retarded idiots think..

  14. good point but the comparison is not entirely equal

    America and Saudi Arabia are worlds apart, in every aspect

    Fun Fact: Did u know if you insulted the Muhammed in the streets of Saudi Arabia your public execution would follow shortly thereafter?

    just a fun fact

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