
How do you think Bush will spend his days retiring?

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How do you think Bush will spend his days retiring?




  1. be the next iraqi president.

  2. He should spend the rest of his days in prison for his war crimes, but his family bought thousands of acres in Paraguay; they've got a military base down there and everything!

  3. He could go to prison, but most likely he'll just clear brush on his ranch in Crawford Texas and wince whenever historians refer to his presidency as a corrupt failure, bankrupt of any ethics.  

  4. Being tried for war crimes.  

  5. Hopefully locked in a cell somewhere for all his crimes.

  6. In wealthy boredom.

    "I can just envision getting in the car, getting bored, going down to the ranch," he says. He also has big plans for making money. "I'll give some speeches, to replenish the ol' coffers," says Mr Bush, who is already estimated to be worth $20m. "I don't know what my dad gets - it's more than 50-75 [thousand dollars a speech], and "Clinton's making a lot of money".

  7. Teaching Cheney how to properly use firearms.

  8. He'll spend most of his time on the ranch. I loves the farm life.

  9. He'll be in his Lazy-Boy chair right near his favorite bottle of Whiskey to take of the edge.  

  10. Decode this lyrics "Take me home country road"

    "Born Free

    "Green, green grass of home".

    Luke 21.30-33

    What do you think?

  11. I expect that he will lie low due to the humiliation of his legacy.  

  12. As a regular guest on Jerry Springer.

  13. On his ranch, there is always plenty to do.

  14. He will write a book( Guide lines) for the next president to foloow and rule not only the USA but the world.

  15. Wondering until he dies if history will record him as the most useless president ever elected. Maybe changing the batteries in Cheney's pacemaker or learning how to perform plastic surgery so that he can improve Laura's looks.

  16. perhaps he will go on road trip (to h**l ) with his g*y friends bin laden and saddam.

  17. They bought a hundred thousand acres in South America and had a military base built nearby. The Rev Moon has property next door. Don't know what but something is up with that.

  18. Not here.

  19. Hopefully in a cell

  20. He's semi-retired now. He takes so many vacations, He'll be golfing.  I rather see him indicted and tried for his War Crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Then there's the lingering question of Paraguay and the CIA terrorist group planning to ruin another democracy.

    The USA like a cancer grows.

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