
How do you think Crosby would do as an used car salesman?

by  |  earlier

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He's so good at selling dives and Gatorade, why not cars?




  1. Because he still plays with toy cars...

  2. If he's clean shaven he'll be fine.

    But if he's trying to sell any used white vans with that "beard"...... it won't go over to well hahaaha.

    And come on, he has embellished on OCCASION, but for as much abuse as he puts up with, paired against the best defense on every team,  he doesn't "dive" anymore, he's matured a lot since his rookie season, where he dived at most, 4 times?

    Now Osgood on the other hand...............

  3. Hm... He has the slimy appearance down as well, as long as he doesn't shave for a month or two, he'll have his special "facial hair." I don't know if I'd buy a car from him, though...

  4. He might be decent but it won't be as good as the class he's teaching.I heard he's teaching the kids diving lessons.

  5. i think he would make them feel bad by crying every time things dont go his way.

    and go pens. i think hasek has taken WAY more dives then osgood. he could teach a class.

  6. I don't know, but it would add to this entire question, the tons like it that have been asked before, and the tons that will be asked again, IF ANYONE out of you, the asker, and the two people who answered already that mentioned whining & diving (plus more, I'm sure) knew how to play the violin. It enhances the sound of any amount of whining. Yes, I do believe a lengthy lament played in the background would compliment this all.

  7. after the way he played in the CUP he better keep that avenue open

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