
How do you think Hilliary feels right now?

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If Obama wins...she has to wait eight more years..

If McCain wins...some other woman would be a VP




  1. she is probably hitting the bottle and cutting up her pantsuits.

  2. Hillary ought to pack it in and do what she does best.


  3. She probably feels a little moist.  I saw the way she was looking at Al Sharpton.(you know the clintons are swingers, lol)

  4. She is focused on the next election.  

  5. She laughing at Obama's dumb @ss.

  6. Regardless of who wins I'm sure she's secretly drowning her sorrows.  Maybe Bill will give it to her good and then she'll feel better.

  7. She now understands that Obama pimp slapped her.

  8. She is thinking " d**n, these cramps hurt. I need some Midol."  

  9. If I was a Hillary supporter, I'd be MORE ripped at Obama than ever!!  

  10. Fat

  11. I think she feels hungry, and angry at all men.  

  12. Hillary feels like someone squeezed lemon juice in her eyes and made her keep them open.

  13. Haven't you heard

    Hillary is tough

    she can take it

    just like a man

  14. She was and is deeply upset with the Obama campaign but had to give the nomination to Obama to have him "pay off" her large primary debt. That was the payoff. Word inside the Democratic camp is that Michelle cannot stand Hillary and that is why she wasn't even considered for V.P.. Guess the Republicans understand that sexism has "no place" in politics....

  15. LOL

  16. I think she feels good about her chances for a 2012 run for the Presidency.

  17. Probably pretty bitter.  Probably taking it out on Bill. LOL, I like Hillary okay, but the best one won.

  18. She's probably wondering if leaving the Republican party all those years ago was such a hot idea.

  19. She is probably going nuts!!!!!!!!!!!   I really don't like her at all.....hopefully she will never get a chance to be president or even get any closer to the white house

  20. She is pissed as is Bill...I have heard thru some sources I have with a buddy who's a bit of a dem wheel here in Fl., that hillary and bill really hate obama and michelle and the feeling is mutual...i'm a rep btw

  21. i think hillary and obama are like ohhhh $hittt!!!!

  22. She's probably focused on doing things for NY STATE.. as elected.


    Actually, she's probably deviously thinking/arranging something for Biden to say.. or to slip something in his lunch libations... for him to walk away/bow out, resign.. so she can comeback (like the Voldemort she appears to be).

  23. Assuming McCain doesn't run for reelection, she may be in prime position to lose the election in 4 years to Palin. Assuming she keeps her 80-90% approval rating in her new job as VP.

  24. Good point.  I'm sure Hilly viewed the VP slot as an entitlement... just like the President slot.  Being denied two things that you are entitled to in the same year has to be tough on the cankled old gal.

  25. Honestly, this so-called question of yours is great parody.  Pretending that this election is about Hillary's feelings and not the issues is a great send-off of the Repuglicans' attempt to salvage a third Bush term from the ashes of the Iraq fiasco, the ruined economy and a reactionary-dominated Supreme Court.  If you keep writing funny sarcastic questions like this you might one day actually get a paying job for SNL or something like that.  LMAO!!!  

  26. I don't think anyone believes that Hillary wanted to be VP.  Hillary wants to be President.  In eight years she just might be.

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