
How do you think I should get my phone back? (more info inside)

by  |  earlier

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See, I lost my phone a month back. We were never sure if I really did lose it at school or just somewhere in the couch so we never reported it to the school.

But, yesterday, my friend just informed me that she texted my number and somebody replied. Now, this girl is kinda denying that she has it.

I'm not really sure what to do.. :(

It's just making me frustrated.





  1. Ask.

    If that doesn't work then fight her =) But i'm a guy so of course id say that

  2. Ask for it back.

    If you want it bad that badly, ask the authorities.

  3. first, wrong category

    second, if that cellphone is not a registered one, then you won't be able to stop the service unless that person using now has to change the sim card.

    third, if it's a registered one, call your provider to stop the service.

    fourth, if you know the person who is using that phone now, go to his/her place and get closer to him/her. ring the phone and if he/she answers, then that's your phone hmm i guess you know the type of your phone too, do you?

    fifth, if you are sure it's your phone, get it back from him/her. if that person will not give it back you, get a Police Officer BUT you need to provide legal evidence that the phone is truly yours.

  4. report it to the authorities

  5. Well did you stop paying the phone bill? If you're no longer paying for the phone they may have disconnected it and given the number to someone else (they do reuse numbers after all). If not, I'd contact the phone company and explain the situation, see what options there are. Most likely you'll have to cancel that phone plan and get a new phone, phone plan, and number.

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