
How do you think McCain will make his entrance to the Republican national convention?

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Perhaps like in the movie 'BIKERS BOYS" or?




  1. He often enters rallies to the music of Van Halen's "Right Now", which has a very dramatic opening and lyrics that fit well with a political campaign.

    If I'm not mistaken, McCain is using the same lead advance guy (who chooses the music) he used in 2000, who by the way is known in political circles for having been the person who told Dan Quayle to misspell "potato".

  2. V E  R   Y    S     L      O       W        L         Y.

    He doesn't want to fall and break a hip for cryin' out loud!!

    VOTE OBAMA/ BIDEN '08!!  

  3. he'll probably show up in a wheelchair sipping some geritol and putting in his dentures while playing some 1920's music.

    i pray for people who have to change his depends.

  4. He's gonna crash  yet another one of our planes right into the convention hall.  

  5. Gracefully. God is on Mccain's side! That I believe!!!

  6. He will fly in on an F/A-18, singing, "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran".

  7. More like Charleton Heston in a chariot.

    Six white (of course) horses snorting fire and brimstone.

    But not coke.

    Wearing a silky white toga to appeal to the Log Cabin element.

    Just stunning with his white hair.

    Cindy will be wearing the Princess Leia outfit when she was held captive by Jabba.

    Just because.

  8. He will enter riding a "Hoveround" motorized scooter. He will be connected to a vitamin B-12 drip, and muttering where am I? What's going on, who are all these people?

  9. Maybe with a walker to the sound of martial music, with Cindy propping him up..

  10. He will make his entrance with the help of his handlers since he is so senile that he doesn't know where his is on his own.

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