
How do you think Obama did on the Factor last night?

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I thought he answered the questions intelligently and thoughtfully. So much for the 'no experience' rhetoric.




  1. So far I am disappointed in O'Reilly, like all other media he is taking it very easy on Obama and not asking him about his ties to terrorist.

  2. Couldn't get myself to watch Fox.

    Did read this though.

  3. He performed superbly as usual. No comparison with John McSame

  4. I agree. It seems Bill kept trying to get Obama to say something stupid, but Obama never fell for it.

    I thought Bill was going to endorse Obama, after admitting McCain was wrong on the Iraq war.

  5. I thought he did great especially considering the ignorant biased *** interviewing him.

  6. obama coundnt answer a question straight, "well, um, uh." im waiting on the rest of the interview.

  7. How could you possibly think he did well?  The content of is answers were bottomless!  He talked in circles.  I actually felt sorry for Obama at one point.  

  8. He was well rehearsed - his handlers did a good job.  He has no useful experience...

  9. They could not get him....I do not see why he bothered to go on that show....

  10. I missed both the McCain speech, and Obama on 'The Factor'!!

    My loss, I guess.

  11. Aww Man I wanted to watch it but I missed it. Im sure they set rules before the interview because Oreily has been trying for awhile to get him on. Clinton and McCains went well. So I sure it was good. Hes Not out to Smear them.

  12. I think he done well also

    But... I think his responses were custom taylored to Fox news viewers.

    sorry, I don't like 2 faced people...people that have different views depending on where they are at. ex San Fran bitterly clinging

    I'm more curious of what the far left anti war crowd thought.

  13. He did pretty good.  I'm just disappointed that they broke up the interview.

    What does being on The Factor have to do with experience? - Nothing.  

  14. He did really well. But there's more to come, so we'll see how he fares.

  15. Well if you already have your mind made up on how he did, why did you ask us?

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