
How do you think Real Madrid are feeling for loosing out on Ronaldo and on top of that are to loose Robinho?

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How do you think Real Madrid are feeling for loosing out on Ronaldo and on top of that are to loose Robinho?





  2. You mean the club itself? Considering we just won the supercup with 9 men and without Robinho:

    For Ronaldo, everyone is happy he didn't come (the players, Schuster, Mijatovic) except Calderon as Ronaldo's signing was his own project.

    For Robinho, the general sentiment is to h**l with him, we have others. Everyone is seriously pissed at him especially Calderon who now 'wants' him to leave. Even without the whole Ronaldo thing, there is very little chance he would stay as Calderon (and I suspect some of the players ) took his comments and their timing as an insult to the club.

    I think a lot of people who may not watch la liga are overestimating Robinho. He's not irreplaceable nor that great of a player (but then again I've never been a fan of him) so if he wants to leave then good riddance, let him sulk in London instead

  3. its there own fault, they shouldnt of said they would swap robinho in the deal to bring ronaldo to madrid...that showed robinho how much he really meant to the club so dont blame him for wanting to leave. Will be interesting to see him play for chelsea though.

  4. one more year that all .....................

  5. losers  

  6. the only reason they changed their minds and let robinho go is because they knew they would have no chance of getting ronaldo if they didnt(their main argument was that man u should let ronaldo go if he wants to but then they were refusing to allow robinho to go to chelsea)

  7. They will be glad to see the back of Robinho if he has stated he wants to leave, as for Ronaldo they will be back for him at the end of the season, so i guess they aren't too bothered.

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