
How do you think Russians will treat American POWs?

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I am sure the torture chambers will be vietnam style, in a basement with a car battery and some some primitive surgical tools. But do you think they will be more brutal with the Army, Navy, Marine, or Air Force guys? Will the Officers or enlisted get the most barbaric torture?




  1. The same way they just treated the people of Georgia.  But I'd rather be a captive of Russia than radical Islam.

  2. By using the worst possible torture methods ever created of course. They used to be Communist and that makes them inherently evil so they will rape the women and slaughter the children systematically. Even though they signed the Geneva Convention rules I'm sure they will completely disregard it and resort to using punji sticks that were used in Vietnam.

    Is this what you expected to see? Use some common sense and realize that chances of a full-on war between the U.S. and Russia are slim to none. If it somehow does occur then the worst atrocities will be ones that happen on the battlefield and not in the interrogation rooms. I'm sure there will be incidents on both sides of the fence where some idiot goes on a power trip with a prison who is completely defenseless. As far as the torture methods go, why do you think that car batteries and tactics from Braveheart are the most efficient? Physical pain can be blocked out by the mind and the individuals who specialize in information extraction have realized that a long time ago. Did you know that prisoners in Guantanamo were subjected to dark rooms in which the guards played Metallica at extremely high volume. Keeping someone indoors with the lights constantly turned on will result in that person not knowing what time it is or how long they have been there. Seemingly passive measures such as these will have a much larger effect on a person breaking than if that person just gets beat every day.

    Now let me address your question about who would get it the worst. Let's imagine that you're robbing a bank and you find out that the safe has a lock on it keeping you from getting the money inside. Are you gonna start smacking around the janitor, the teller or the bank manager? Officers generally have a greater amount of knowledge of the big picture that would be useful to the captor. While your average grunt might tell you that the vehicles had armor and GPS the officer will most likely be able to tell you where the armor was weakest and where that GPS was leading the company. Additionally on a percentage scale officers attend SERE school more than enlisted. SERE students are taught how to deal with being captured and how to escape. This will result in officers, generally, needing more "attention" in order to give up secrets.

    There you have it hopefully this helps someone get a little knowledge in them.

  3. Probably about the same way that Americans treat the political prisoners in Guantanamo

  4. If somehow the Russians got their hands on American soldiers, they would be treated very well or they would be eliminated immediately and quietly.... there wouldn't be a middle ground

  5. with excessive vodka

  6. Are you talking about in a new video game or something? because if you aren't I think you need to face reality. The Russian military isn't a bunch of muslim extremists. They are a stand up military force that doesn't hide among the crowds. If it came to a conventional engagement, the US would kick the holy h**l out of the Russians.

    Not trying to hype the US, its just that there is that much of a technical disadvantage on the part of the Russians.

  7. Russian Military is ruthless, they will not be treated well.

  8. Feed them to bears off course.

    Seriously, If there will be war between US and Russia it will be the shortest and last war in the history. 40 minutes and then human races ceases to exist.

    WWII is a bad example, Germans were exploiting Russians as "non-arian" nation, i.e. only slightly less harsh then Jews.

    It would be strange to expect any kindred from russians to german pows.

  9. In a Moscow museum you can find WWII notes, printed for Germans. In the photo you can se a group of happy German POWs coming out of a bath-house, accompanied by friendly Russian guards. The text read: surrender, forget about horrors of war and enjoy plenty of food and a warm bed.

    In fact practically all buildings of the post-war period were built by German POWs. People say they looked hungry and sad.

  10. From a historical perspective which is all you can go by they will die at about 90% rate. torture will be some but mostly just neglect.  The POW survival rate during WW2 for prisoners taken by the Russians was in the 90% range which means you have little chance of making it; officers (except very high ranking) and career enlisted were close to wiped out since they would be "trouble makers" but high ranking officers were show dogs so the Russians typically kept them alive.  Since we aren't fighting the Russians this is hypothetical but history is all you can go by.

  11. watch to much movies )))) russians-"barbarians", Knjaz Aleksandr Nevsky, by the way, was the first in world history who let the enemy take home their prisoners, peacefuly, after he won one of the greatest battles in history.

    oh, you can't know that -US wasn't even in project yet!)))

    guys, seriously-books, reading, library and then-talk

  12. It seems to me like you want American soldiers to be tortured.  

  13. I'd like to think that Russia would keep to the rules of engagement for this kind of conflict and treat them fairly well. The US would probably do this regardless, but if it gets out that they are torturing US PoW's you would probably see many more KIA Russians than you would PoW's.

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