
How do you think about vegetarian diet. What's its benifit?

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I heard that vegan diet can reduce considerablely the amount of released exhaust fumes. Besides, human-being is in the situation of shortage of food, i mean rice, wheat, ... while some countries use them as food of animals. Its sound isn't good. How do you think about changing your diet for a better world?




  1. I did, years ago and I'm healthy.

  2. im a vegan and i love it . people think there not many good vegan food not true . you also can get alot of protein. many farmers markets have vegan food its very healthy. one of the best choices of my life

  3. I am sorry to admit that I have broken my vegetarian ways since becoming pregnant. But I was a dedicated one for two years. I believe it is a great way to help the world and yourself. But for those of us who need the meat to have energy, when vitamin supplements won't help, just simply cutting back on meat consumption is good enough. I think that just eating half of the meat you normally do would help considerably. You might find that going vegetarian or vegan wouldn't be hard for you at all.

  4. i think that if you want to change your diet don't change it by becoming a vergertarian its bad for you you're going too be missing out on things like rice and wheat and things like that you don't need too become a vegetarian to loose weight you can do different things and eat differently but not by changing your food and what you eat its very unhealthy to do so you can be happy another way i think changing your  diet by becoming a vegetarian is very bad for your health.its doesn't make a better world at all just for that.

  5. "If everyone in North America reduced their animal food consumption by just 10%, the grain we would save from animal feed could be used to feed all the hungry throughtout the world.  (EarthSave International)  One hundred acres of land will produce enough beef for 20 people but enough wheat to feed 240 people.  Poultry operations alone use 96.5 billion gallons of water annually in the US, enough to meet all water needs of 4.5 million North Americans.  It takes 2,500 gallons of water to produce one pound of meat.  If the US meat industry wasn't supported by the taxpayer paying a large proportion of its water costs, then hamburger meat would cost $35 a pound."


    "Ten years ago, in Milford, Utah, population 1,164, Circle Four farms raised over 600,000 hogs.  The operation generated as much waste as a city of 1.8 million people.  There were 2 million residents in al of Utah then.  In 1996 this farm waited six weeks to notify the state of a spill of 80,000 hog waste and chemicals."

  6. I've been a vegetarian for about 15 years.  I feel great, have tons of energy and would recommend this lifestyle change to anyone.

    The most popular question is "what do you eat?".  It makes me laugh as meat isn't the only food on the planet.  People don't seem to realize they eat fruit, veggies, etc, all the time.  So do I just without the meat.  I make sure I get enough protein by using hemp protein daily.  Vegetarianism is a wonderful lifestyle.

  7. I became a vegetarian a few years ago, I'm very happy that I did, I feel fantastic! I get checked every year by my doctor to make sure everything is fine (Iron, etc) and everything has been!

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