
How do you think dogs recognize their owners?

by  |  earlier

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Do they recognize your face, shape, and voice? Or do they recognize you by smell? What do you think?




  1. smell and sight and sound.. Dogs are not colour blind btw, that's been proven to be a myth. They can see colour but have very poor vision. They can detect shapes and movement but cannot see physical features from too far away. Yes they can recognise from the voice and most definately the smell

  2. i think by smell and sight

  3. Same way people recognize eachother I would think....maybe smell and sight?  

  4. I think it's a mixture of all their senses.  

  5. they can know who you are by smelling you that's why when you get a new dog it sniffs you,also they recognize your voice if you have lived with them 4 long enough.

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