
How do you think humans' will evolve physically in the next 2 to 3 hundred years..?

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How do you think humans' will evolve physically in the next 2 to 3 hundred years..?




  1. Maybe not at all.

    We've not changed for a very long time, have we?

    Back to George Washington, and before that, we've pretty much stayed the same, physically...

    I think we might have been getting shorter, though.

    And people are getting fatter.

    I don't think we'll have different head-shapes, more/less arms/legs... Nothing like THAT...

    Besides, who even knows if we'll survive that long?

    What if Jesus comes down by then?

    I guess I'm not saying that humans won't continue to exist...

    but I don't know.

    Alright, well, final answer:

    I don't think we will evolve physically.

    I am hoping that we evolve mentally and get a better president.

    Maybe realize what REAL problems lie underhand and maybe have more people out in "third-world" countries ACTUALLY HELPING them.

    Anyway. Yeah.

  2. we will all be dinosaur food

  3. due to the fact health care and medicine have advanced so much over the past 30 years, many rogue abnormalities are now getting into the gene pool. This will cause a population crash in the next 80 - 100 years. I say this because as a species, we are not only spreading diseases through mass migration that had once been eradicated, but we are harbouring, stronger, more resilient forms. Spanish flu raced around the globe without the help of aircraft. Today's scenario will see a virus spread globally in 2 - 3 days.

  4. that is honestly a complicated question to answer, who says humans will be here that long? so far most studies show that a couple of decades from now, our descendants wont even have pinkies or baby toes! technically, we dont need them! talk about deformities! who really knows, no study is approximately 100% accerate!

  5. No.  Evolution involves 'survival of the fittest' and with current health care levels being as they are, even the unfit survive.

  6. I've been thinking this as well, on my free time :P

    Maybe our appendix will finally go away, since we dont eat grass anymore.  Pinky toes and fingers might go away since there really isnt much use for them.  Heads may contine to shift shapes as seen in previous evolutionary processes.  Probably not too many major differences/changes unless the environment changes as well and forces us to adapt.  This of course takes millions of years, not 200 - 300.  You wont see changes in that short of a time period

  7. My honest opinion?  The way the world is going we'll all be dead before the end of this century.  Maybe even this decade!

  8. Not at all. For physical evolution to take place there must be an environmental stress that a particular mutation will enable the organism to survive better than its competitors and be able to pass that mutation on to its offspring who will have a better chance of survival. Organisms don't evolve just because. There must be other factors at work. 2 hundred or a thousand years is not even enough time to change very much.

  9. Evolution has already shown that in some areas where there is access to nutritious foods people are taller.  I see no reason for that trend to stop.  I also think we will see a lot more problems with obesity in areas like the US.  There is some evidence that the areas of the brain connected to mathematics and music are more active now than previous generations (though it would not count as an outwardly physical sign of evolution).  Climate changes could lead to having less body hair (global warming) and changes in pigmentation of the skin.  Beyond that, I think we will be lucky if we survive our own stupidity.

  10. Our immune systems will probably decline due to the overuse of synthetic drugs and other medical treatments and the overly cleaned environments many of us in the industrialised world live in, making us even more dependent on drugs and near sterile living conditions for continued survival.

    Good comment about modern society completely skewing survival of the fittest. This is probably one of the most damaging things for the long term future of the human being in itself.

  11. the earth will be a mess we may have wiped ourselves out but if Jesus comes we will be beter

  12. Well, your question is a bit of a misfire.  

    Evolution is driven by a true need for a species to physically adapt.  Their is no apparent need for our species to evolve in the immediate future.

    However, it is reasonable to assume that humans will look different in 300 years from now.  But that will not be because of evolution.  It will be because of cultural influences.  These cultural influences, even if they affect the physical appearance of the population, are not he same as "evolution".  

    Example:  Right now, our population is taller and fatter than it was 200 years ago.  This is not evolution at work.  It is just a matter of more people having access to better nutrition (for the height) and more people having access to excess quantities of food and living a sedentary lifestyle.

  13. We will be so fat we will have to roll everywhere.  Our muscles will have atrophied so the rounder humans will survive because they can roll faster.   To procreate we will need the help of robots to collect sperm and deliver it with cold robot pincers not unlike the speculum that women are familiar with today.

  14. If the peoples of the world don't realize and do not correct how many poisons are going into their bodies with processed foods and sugars, the evolutionary changes will be for the worse.

    People are starting to die earlier than they did in our grandparents age and it is because of toxins.

    Kevin Trudeau knows what he's talking about.


  15. In 200 to 300 years, humans will be virtually identical to humans today. I don't imagine one would be able to tell the difference between the two just by looking, or even looking very, very closely. Think about what humans looked like 300 years ago. They weren't any different then.

  16. We'll have less hair, be taller, be able to process all the junk we eat better, and we'll be darker. I think that will take more than a few hundred years (bar the getting taller, that happens generationally these days).

  17. We'll all become one race.

  18. We won't just lose fingers or organs we don't use anymore unless they become a problem.  In what scenario would having a pinky finger or toe decrease ones chances of survival?

    With money being such a big factor in selection of partners, it's unlikely that any physical or personality traits (still to some extent coded by DNA) other than greed will become any more prevalent than they are.  

    Due to internationalism and multiculturalism it's likely that we will all merge into one "color" (resulting in a less versatile species as a whole)

    Modern medicine will allow many genes one couldn't survive with in a "natural" setting (hereditary illnesses, general stupidity, etc.) to POSSIBLY become more common, and the link between stupidity and having too many children will see to it that the population in general becomes less intelligent.  

    It's also quite possible that we will gradually breed ourselves into an unspoken caste system based solely on economics (that scares me).

    For the foreseeable future, our technology will be adapted to help us survive whatever pressures may emerge long before our bodies have the chance.

  19. Evolution, means, change into something else, so I don't think we will start to evolve into another species at all, ever, as the fossil evidence (or the lack of it) shows that we haven't up to now.   We will 'improve', health-wise, wealth-wise, happiness-wise, wisdom wise and age -wise, and equally as importantly, technologically-wise.  We'll have a much better understanding of our origin and how to travel at speeds, in space, than we can't even imagine at the moment.  Forget all the doom-mongers, there are really exciting times ahead and I wish I could be here.

  20. We will grow bigger with bigger feet ect.

    Because woman are gettin taller..

    And the average size of a womans foot now is an 8..

    As for men.. idk tbh..

    Who knows..

  21. short time span. bump it up to 20 - 30 millenia and assume that technology progress at the rate it is doing now and we don't blow the planet and our selves up. we'd be totally different we might branch off into different species:

    the nerds, geeks, brainiacs

    - bigger heads, eyes and ears

    - lighter almost pale skin

    - truncated torsos and limbs


    - tripple the size of the humans now

    - denser skletal frames

    - lives 1/3 our lifespan now

    - faster, stronger and has more endurance


    - would be similar to our appearance except taller

    - 2x the IQ scores

    - lives about 200 - 300 yrs

    oh and the geeks rule the world.

  22. Two to three hundred years is a very small time scale in regard to evolution.  During that time, we will certainly gain a small percentage increase in disease resistance from diseases of today and the future such as AIDS and perhaps bird flu if that ever pans out.  Otherwise, I don't think there is a way to know the direction of genetic trends.

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