
How do you think life on earth was created???

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I've wondered about how God, or whoever contributed to making life on earth possible. What's your idea on how dinosaurs came? And before them, how is it possible to build something, when somethings not there!




  1. I hate it when I have to think this deep rooted question. My thought is we were planted here by some other being on, say, planet Mars. We were put here to see how fast we would evolve and discover what they had. And now, coming up on the end, 2012, we will realize this was happening to us, and we will be punished for all the greed we brought about instead of sharing etc.......Hmmm?

  2. GOD, all your answers are in the Bible.

  3. I agree with numbers partially on this one in that we were planted here, but I don't think it was from mars. I believe maybe 20,000 years ago another planet that was dieing about 100 billion miles away from earth sent some sort of advanced space ship out into a part of space to see what it could find. The space ship might have gotten lost and crashed to earth. The damages to the spaceship were not repairable and they could not replay their information back to their planet. Eventually, all of the humans probably got angry at each other and split up into separate groups . Like black people went to Africa. They reproduced and eventually the information about their true identity was lost. The people from their home planet died. And the people's descendents being us call ourselves "humans".  

  4. Everything was created from the dust of the stars after the big bang.

    Whether or not a god had anything to do with it remains to be seen, but then what created god; there would also be a whole new form of physics.

  5. very well.

  6. Thats 8th grade s**t

  7. The simple answer is that God created all life on Earth and each species was a unique creation.

    However, the ramifications of that 'simple' answer are anything but simple.

  8. when organic matter is boiling and chemical reactions are occurring on rocks, the energy is transferred from molecule to molecule and and a unique comination allowed for it to reproduce it self like crystals. Not life yet, but while reproducing it self. In billions of years, the complex DNA is born. Remember, dinosaurs were a 100 million years ago. All animals and fish came 250 million years ago. It took 3 billion years to go from amino acids to life. And amino acids (protein) are in comets. Diamonds and lightening also played a role as well as time.  

  9. There is no god.

    First of all you want to read up on evolution to learn how simple life evolved into complex life.

    We still haven't solved the question of where the original simple life came from (called abiogenesis) although there are enough possibilities not to bring an imaginary friend into it and knowing how science works we'll probably end up figuring out it out eventually eliminating that gap.

  10. In my opinion, Basically the only thing that existed was Hydrogen and Nitrogen. They formed small clusters which are called planets, with the heat formed inside the center of clusters, there were other metals like iron, carbon and zinc were formed and with these chemical reactions, there were other metals formed.

    The first life-form was bacterias and viruses, they worked together and formed tiny organisms which we see today such as insects, and when more small organisms joined together, they formed huge organisms like humans, elephants and even dinosaurs. I think that nature created the organisms which is the biggest miracle, or maybe again the metals might have created everything

  11. this experiment is 55 years old.

    while it didn't create life, it sure got part way there.

  12. God created the heavens and the earth.

    A previous user suggested the world would end in 2012. We never will know when the world will end until it happens.

  13. god and satan got pissed at each other n created a battleground called earth and we are used as pawns in their twisted "sim" game.whenever some1 gets hit by a bus or has a really gruesome death, 1-0 satan lol  

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