
How do you think of money?

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hi, do you think about money? how much money do you think it is enough?




  1. i think of it all the time cause i don't have enough to pay my bills enough well i don't know about that

  2. Money is a necesary evil.  I work full-time and I have a good job.  However, most of my income goes on mortgage, council tax and utility bills.  The cost of living is through the roof and so my money doesn't go as far as it used to.  That applies to everybody in the UK.

  3. well theres no limit every1 want more. i think money it very importain in life.

  4. Money means alot to everybody. No single person in this World would think money is redundant. If so, must be lying. It's the cause of family disputes and unhappiness if not handled well. Never will be enough of money. Money makes the World goes round.

  5. can't say

    in mathematical language it's infinite.

    and by reality language it may be null.

  6. a bad thing in away kus people are always worring about it but its important       nd people who ave loads are gready andshld help those who are less fortunate

  7. i think enough is when my daughter is in clean clothes that fit her, that the bills can be paid, and enough so the home can be kept clean and tidy comfortable

  8. The most familiar form of money is known as "fiat" currency.  The U.S. dollar is a form of fiat currency.  Currencies are traded around the world and there prices in relation to each other fluctuates.

    Money's original purpose was to make it easier for people to trade things they have and don't need for necessities.  Those days are long gone and now money is a much more complicated entity.

    Many people consider gold and silver to be 'real' money because it has intrinsic value that has remained relatively the same for over a hundreds years.  Its worth when compared to another fiat currency appears to have changed, however; an ounce of gold at today's price will buy about the same amount of goods that that same ounce would have bought a hundred years ago.

    All fiat currencies in the history of humankind have eventually become worthless.  The U.S. dollar is no longer backed by silver or gold.  It is just paper.

    If you really want to learn about the money systems around the world and the Federal Reserve in particular, watch the following video.  Yes, it is long.  But, if you watch it, you will become more knowledgeable than most of the people in this country (U.S) about how money works.  

    I hope you watch it and I wish everyone would watch it because our money is in danger right now and the seriousness of the predicament is gaining alarming momentum that could lead us into a newer and greater Depression.

  9. Money is the root of all evil. Nobody ever has enough. Everyone always spends beyond their means.

    But, in the end, you can't take it with you when you leave this earth. So, what is the point of having a lot? LOL

    And, money cannot buy true friends or happiness.  :o)

  10. money may just only be a medium of exchange but in this highly money-fueled economy, we can't live without it. There is no amount that you can say it's enough because people, by nature have insatiable wants. So, the more we amass wealth, in terms of money, the more needs crop up, and we'll say, "I don't still have enough."

  11. IN terms of money,nothing is too many and everything is seems too little.

  12. enough to live and a lil extra

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