
How do you think people see you?

by Guest62874  |  earlier

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Don't say with their eyes lol x

I'm hoping people see me as easy going, friendly, a good listener and laughs at anything.

Thanks for your answers x




  1. crazy talkative friendly bad listener yeah i laugh at everything too lol it can be annoyin sumtimes...

    lazy..? lol

  2. most people at my skool proob c me as a spotty lanky(tall) kid who is onli there 4 dem 2 bully


  4. A bit of a loner to some people but to others a good listener & kind all round friend.

  5. fooking insane ;)

  6. happy..up for a laugh and a blether..good listener and even better friend..bad enemy...:-)

  7. Im different things to different people

    depends on my mood frame of mind and whats going on in my life

    For the most part happy outgoing positive friendly

    to name but a few

  8. I have no idea, you would have to ask THEM...

    I hope at work people see me as reliable, helpful, professional and hard-working.

    I hope my family know I'm always there for them.

    And I really hope my daughter sees me as the best mum in the whole world ;-)


  9. if you find out tell me

  10. i hope ppl see me as pretty or atleast "not ugly"

    and i hope ppl DONT see me as lazy or somebody who dosnt care what ppl think cuz i tottally care ( =

  11. to be honest deep down, under the everyday insecurities - i dont really give a fk

  12. In a younger day i was admired but playing in a rock band don't count,

    you could put frankenstien up there under the lights and a guitar in his

    hands and drunk groupies act worse than sober guys crusin main st,

    in small town america on a friday night, off stage, now that's another

    story, and i was lucky cause @ 23 the only person who realy mattered

    was my girl now my wife of 41 years, so much for frankenstien and

    alibriated groupies, now i'm old it really doesn't matter any more, i'm

    invisible 2 the naked eye, then it really matters not, cause my one time

    girl now my wife, sees's me with something more reliable than even

    eye sight, her heart, and that i wouldn't trade for all the 20/20 vision

    groupies in the world, drunk or sober . . .

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