
How do you think restaurants have changed, over the past few years?

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i think that most reastaurants are totally different from what they were? do you think so? can you tell what the changes are?




  1. They've changed from convenience to health conscious because that's what the market demands.  

    In the future, who knows?  It depends on consumer preferences.  Maybe more eco-friendly disposable containers to prevent huge styrofoam build-ups in dump sites.

  2. well for one..most of them lie about the nutritional information for many of their dishes.

  3. Portions are getting smaller, prices are rising, certain things that don't make the restaurants enough profit are being taken off menus, certain condiments are being left off of dishes and are only available upon request. In my restaurant (Outback Steakhouse) we are under a lot of pressure to provide the best customer experience possible to our guests lately because we understand that $$$ is tight for almost everyone which means people expect to get what they pay for.

    Well, one thing I've noticed is that almost every restaurant where I live no matter what kind has to have at least one spicy Mexican dish or Southwestern dish, and it seems to be a growing trend.

  4. Well there is also more to choose from.

    I also think that there is a lot more healthier things to choose from the menu.

    For example at McDonald you could get some kind of sliced fruits instead of the norm which is fries.

  5. I work in a restaurant, and it's a locally owned one. First off, it seems like employees are lazy. They just don't seem to care what the food looks like (meaning the cook). Everybody tries to cut corners, and then at the end, it's back to the beginning.

    Another thing is teenagers. I don't mean to offend, but it's true. There is no common sense. We have to slice lemons, make iced tea, and they don't rotate the stock. They put the fresh on top. And  a lot of teenagers are lazy. They want the money but not the work.

    I think also, that people don't socialize like they used to. It used to be that if a toddler was walking, people would smile, now it's a nuisance.

    Now you have people on laptops and cell phones. It's not as personal anymore. It used to be a homely atmosphere, now it's like robots.

    Food portions have been cut. Definately. Either raise the prices or cut portions. People are always complaining that they get too much at a restaurant and they get fat, well, not anymore!!!!!

    Overall, restaurant workers don't care anymore. It used to be genuine and now it's not.

    Ok, that's my two cents!!!!

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