
How do you think the Bretons feel about the increasing number of Brits buying holiday homes in Brittany?

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How do you think the Bretons feel about the increasing number of Brits buying holiday homes in Brittany?




  1. well, Brits coming to Britany saved a lot of little village that were about to die because people leaving for bigger town.

    Not all of them but most of them are pretty happy.

  2. No doubt the same as in other regions where Brits have settled, like the Périgord, Normandie and now the Limousin & Poitou-Charentes.

    It's a double edged sword for the French. Many are delighted to see old ruins or dilapitated houses restored. However, it makes it increasingly hard for younger village inhabitants to find somewhere in their locality to live. Especially given the extreme shortage of social/council housing (known as HLM's) available in French villages.

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