
How do you think the British would have reacted if Prince William were to marry a Muslim woman?

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  1. in islam a woman cannot marry a non muslim so that would never happen. unless william converted to a muslim.

  2. i suppose the royal family would react very badly to it, i don't know about the people.

  3. Anyone who is marrying a reigning monarch or heir/heiress to the throne must convert its faith if not already a Protestant or a member of the Anglican Church. The British monarch is the head of the Church of England, he/she cannot marry anyone outside of this church regardless if your a Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, Jehovah's Witnesses, Buddhist, Hindu, Islamic, Shinto and others.

    If Prince William or any other royal members in the line of succession decides to marry someone outside of the Church of England, that someone must covert its faith or the royal will be automatically withdrawn from having the right to claim the throne.

  4. I didn't think Muslim women were allowed to date. How is it that Prince William is supposed to even court one, let alone marry her? It would be my guess that if such an improbable event were to take place, that the woman would be stoned to death if she ever entered a Muslim country.

  5. They would not be able to stop him, but it would put him out of the line of succession.  He MUST marry a protestant.  Same with Harry, he could but he probably wouldn't because it would nix his chances to be king.

  6. Since he will one day be the head of the Church of England, it can't happen.

  7. It wouldn't happen. His life is not his own. He could not go anywhere and find a place that would perform a service that would be legitimate and he could never escape his 'bodyguards' and if he ever truly attempted to do so, he would end up just like his mother. Sad, but true.

  8. I can't imagine her father would be pleased either.  He has the obligation to live up to a certain standard as the future "head" of the church; not that it's bothered his predecessors before they were married, but marriage is a different thing.

  9. I think, since she likely would end up being the mother of the next King of England, after William, that there would be BIG TROUBLE.  I doubt he could keep the throne under such circumstances.

    All the teachings of Islam about rearing children, etc., would certainly come into play.  The Islamic world would have a lot to say about her, and how her children were reared, I would think , as well.  It would be a nightmare for the UK.  What if William died young, with a male baby!!  A baby raised as a Muslim.  Whoa, now that might bring an end to the monarchy.

    Just a few thoughts about the complications by an American.

  10. you have a better chance of seeing God.

  11. Most of Britain could probably care less.  However he would be out of the line of succesion so I guess that would eventually leave King Harry and Queen Chelsea, who would probably quit England and move to Las Vegas!

  12. William would lose his place in the line of succession if she didn't convert to Church of England.William will be the titular head of The Church of England one day,"The Defender of the Faith,"so his wife, who will be Queen Consort,must also be Church of England.

    If she were Muslim and Church of England,theoretically there would be no bars to the marriage.As long as she were of sound mind,body and morals,gained approval of Queen and Privy Council,there would be no problems.

    The same applies to Harry.

    And,to clear up something for you,a spouse is not in line of succession to the throne;marriage doesn't give a prince or king's spouse powers to rule or a place in line of succession. That would take an Act of Parliament.Any children they would have will enter the line of succession as long as the children are Church of England.

  13. they would start a revolution against all muslim nations because they are self centered rasicsts

  14. He can do it if he wants but he has to take himself out of the line of ascension to the throne. Plus, he would face much scorn from the British public. If he did do it, he likely would have to live in exile because there's no way the people would accept such a marriage. A more minor member of the royal family, maybe, but not him.

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