
How do you think the following things would change if Obama were to be elected President:?

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1 - The War in Iraq/The War in Afghanistan

2 - The situation with Iran

3 - The economy/Jobs

4 - Healthcare

5 - Social Security




  1. 1 - The War in Iraq/The War in Afghanistan

    I Iraq will worsen as a result of #2.  Afghanistan will probably remain the same.

    2 - The situation with Iran

    It will seem to get better as he talks to the post operational brain donor that runs that country, right up to where they nuke Israel.

    3 - The economy/Jobs

    It'll go straight the hades as our taxes fly up off the charts and people have no money to spend.

    4 - Healthcare

    It'll seem better for a short period, and then go the hades as government beuracracy(sp?) fouls everything up.

    5 - Social Security

    down the crapper.

    EDIT: Liz one question: "banjaxed"?

  2. Totally dependent on the make up of Congress too!

  3. i htink he would pull the troops from iraq. we need to stop this whole terror thing bush got us into anyway.

  4. umm. the guy seems to just tell lie after lie..with proof we see of he wont even get my vote. lets just pray he  isnt elected.. besides, i wud NEVER vote for someone that refuses to  salute OUR FLAG!! NO REAL American Should!!

  5. From Barack's book, Audacity of Hope:  "I will stand with

    the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

                  HE DID NOT SAY STAND WITH AMERICANS!!!!!

  6. 1 will continue to scale down at about the same pace, regardless who is in office.

    2 will probably get worse.  Iran likes to push angles, all sorts of which will open up with a new admin, especially Obama and his approach to treat threats of destruction as an invitation to talk.

    3 will probably get worse regardless who comes into office.  Obama seems to tend toward greater government intervention in the economy, which generally makes things worse.

    4 will suffer greatly if nationalization happens as Jimmy Carter proposed (this is not a new idea).  The federal government put social security in the toilet.  No reason to expect better of nationalized healthcare.  Think about the service you receive when you visit a government office.  From the bottom to the top, there is no initiative to serve you well because the revenue is fixed and not optional.  Command economies invariably fail.  Look at history.

    5 will continue to spiral into oblivion.  If you have a dollar to put toward your retirement, you had better.  Counting on Social Security is like building a house on a melting iceberg.

  7. 1-5. Will become much better.

  8. 1 - No progress, more than likely will call for a withdraw. But, will not be able to do a 'sudden' or fast withdraw. If he does withdraw without thinking of consequences and making sure all the ducks are in a line, I think there will be chaos. More bombings, more threats, and most likely Iraq will fall apart. He will also, if he does try to help the situation, try to make them all get along with one leader. Not thinking that they need a republic - elected s**+'ite, Suni, and Kurdish leaders to work together so no group feels left out...if that can ever be accomplished.

    2 - He'll try to speak to Ahmedinijad with no progress as well. Conversations will lead to a false feeling of safety that he and his people will try to convey. You can't threaten or speak to someone who doesn't care about you and thinks the death of their country will result in another 'crusade' like fight between the Christians and Muslims, where the Muslims will be victorious.

    3 - He'll attempt to expand welfare or finagle the reforms and programs to be more socialistic, if you don't work, you get more cash. He'll take away from corporations and even small business owners, causing them to fire workers then continue to pass the burden onto their consumers. No one just takes a kick in the wallet, they kick everyone else's first. But, technically, a president doesn't really fix or do anything to the economy. He can only provide tax breaks, tax hikes, sanctions, or other fines, etc. This will all lead to inflation.

    4 - Universal healthcare for children will be like programs they already have - insufficient and banjaxed to h**l.

    5 - I don't think he'll do much to social security at all, to be honest.

  9. he will s***w up all five of the above

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