
How do you think the fundie did tonight?

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I was going to put this in Elections, but yahoo suggested R&S.




  1. I was watching the more intelligent political commentary on South Park.  What did she say?

  2. She did fine... can't stand her voice though.

  3. This fundie is doin fine , thanks for asking

    tGod bless

  4. Sarah Palin's speech was very good. 15 all.

  5. what r u talkin about?

  6. They kept beating the same line over and over again.

  7. I found plenty of lies and smears and hypocrisy in her speech, but absolutely no substance. What should I do?

  8. With a biased audience, pretty well I bet.  (rolls eyes)

  9. I didn't get to watch. I was playing Fable, an oldie but a goodie :P Lost track of many hours, thankfully missed the whole thing!!!!

    I'm voting for Obama anyway.

    Random thought, whether or not Obama get's elected, will we add his name to our Spell Check?

  10. Which Fundie?

  11. I think the fundie outperformed Joe Biden on the speech she gave.

    However, speech making does not a VP (or President) make.

  12. You mean the REAL hero that speaks with actions and not shallow rhetoric?

    "Obama, a half-black, Harvard-trained lawyer with a gift for soaring rhetoric and big themes but no substance.  America, if you want talk and not action, Obama’s just the big mouth for it."

    But if you want action, then I choose the one who endured 5 years of torture in an enemy POW camp, and inspired others to persevere!  John McCain is a proven leader, Obama has proven nothing!!!

    Governor Sarah Palan said it best when she said, "There are those who use change to promote their careers, and then there are those who use their careers to promote change."  

    McCain, a REAL leader with a proven record as opposed to the record-less master of babbling rhetoric.

  13. Oh...she did great.  Her speech was great, it was very inspiring.  However, making a lot of talk sound really inspiring, and actually doing something to make a difference and get us out of the hole we're in right now in this country are two different things.

    All politicians make speeches making people think that they're going to be the ones to save us, that they're the only ones who really care.  It was a great speech, but I don't think that the McCain/Palin ticket is going to be the one that makes changes for the better.

    Edit: There are also too many things about her that really, really concern me.  I don't think of someone as a strong advocate for people's rights when they're people who put their religious beliefs before our rights.  She's someone who wants to make abortion illegal, make birth control more difficult to obtain, hold back education for our kids about how to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy and disease.  She's against g*y rights, she's for teaching religious beliefs in science classes...

    If it weren't for her crazy religious beliefs, maybe she would make a good leader.  But unfortunately, when your view is clouded by delusions of magical beings, it blinds you to anything else, and makes you incapable to using your full reasoning skills.

  14. If you are referring to the Republican Love-in on CNN,  that was some rock concert.  

    As a Canadian, I just sat staring at some C & W country singer with the red and white stripes of the American flag fluttering in the breeze behind him.....

    I blinked, and the red & white stripes, seem to pulsate, move and for a split second I thought it had morphed into a Swastika and then suddenly change back......into a red & white pulsating barber pole again...........

  15. Oh, she tossed the fish to the trained seals in the crowd, while they were arf-ing and slapping their hands together for more.  Just like they wanted.

  16. I assume you  mean the soccer mom...

    Very good speech.  I'm quite happy to see she doesn't need the teleprompter.  She only told a few lies about Obama's plan.  She seemed more sincere than I expected.  Over all, I was somewhat impressed and sad she is working for the wrong side.

    If she really thinks, as VP on the republican ticket, she will be able to go against the allmighty oil industry, she is terribly nieve about national politics.

  17. I almost got an erection.  (...I am a dirty atheist.)  

    In all seriousness (if you can imagine me being so) I think Palin did quite well.  However, she lied a couple of times.  Especially about her dislike for  If anyone did any research ("god" forbid) then one would know that Palin got Alaska the most earmarks than any other state received last year.  I am going to vote for Obama/Biden this year.  ...I don't want to get random erections for atleast 4 years.  ...Embarrassiiiiiiing!

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