
How do you think the hurricane season will do with election? will it help the republicans or democrats & how?

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justin this is election yr and both parties dealt with bull with other issues




  1. it could help the gop as they are sacrificing their time for it, Putting America First and they've also challanged  

  2. Personally, I think it will hurt the people who are affected by these hurricanes.  You know, those people who lose their lives or homes, that political speculators seem to forget.  Don't you think so?

  3. It's helping the Democrats because it was the only thing the liberal news media had to kick Palin out of the healines.

    EDIT: Above me: People who CHOOSE to live in the most hurricane-prone place on the entire planet cannot be considered "victims."  If you were sleeping on the freeway and you got run over by a tractor-trailer rig, would you be considered a "victim?" No.

  4. Why politicize a natural disaster, I don't care either way, I just want all to get through this safely and with minimal property damage.

  5. help

  6. I think we should go to war with these hurricanes.  They are causing more damage to the U.S. than any other country.

  7. hurt obama and biden got wall to wall coverage for a week the repubs got 1 day then had to compete with the weather channel  

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