
How do you think the structure of an organization effects productivity?

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How do you think the structure of an organization effects productivity?




  1. An organization structure is going to effect the productivity of the organization very surely because an organization structure can be line organization, staff organization and line and staff organization structure.

    Each and every organization structure has its own effects on the productivity. likewise in line organization, mangers has to take the decision and they don't have specialize advice with them while making decision whereas in staff they are the experts one but they don't know how to make an effective and efficient decision.

    So, in such a manner each and every organization structure has its own effect on the productivity because if decisions would be delayed then they are surely going to effect the productivity as it will go down and if we are having good decision with experts and line managers concentrates on other tasks then productivity may be raised.  

    likewise, we can say that organization structure effects the productivity of an organization.

  2. it effects .. because if any organization structure is not good and causing obstacles for flow of production process . obviously it effects in productivity . it depends which product you are talking about .. please mention the product ans more details . i can give you more clear answer .

    hope this will give you an idea to rise one more question with more details

  3. Actually I’m working in a company without a clear structure. I can tell you that it became a one man show. We don't have a team sense. Some employees don’t know who they report to. You don't hear must of divisions or departments, it's only individuals.

    I think that the following are the benefits of having an organization structure:

    - Clear reporting line

    - Sometimes it gives a clear career path

    - It can give guidance on succession management

    - Segregation of tasks and duties

    - Responsibility allocation

    - If you're planning to prepare a salary scale for the organization, you must start from the organization structure

    I'm sure you'll find much more points for the importance of the organization structure which will affect the productivity eventually

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