
How do you think the world is going to end?

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Global warming, war, exc. What D0 Y0U THiNK???




  1. Brittany my dear, your world will end as does all other peoples world, the day they die.

    Now for planet Earth, it is gonna be around a long long time.  I saw something somewhere some science guys predicted the sun will die in maybe 10 billion years.  Well if that is the case then Earth will die also.  But even then there will be a planet, just nothing living on it.  Unless it gets hit by a giant asteroid.

  2. i really don't know. there are some pretty good guesses, and you got a few decent answers. i just want to add that the 'world' ends when your life ends. for you anyways. so make sure you live everyday knowing it could be your last. make the most of it, tell the people you care about that you love them, cast fears aside, try to pass a positive message along.

    cheerz >'-'<

  3. dont worry be happy

  4. According to the Mayas, it will end in 2012, because it is supposed to.  I think there will be no real cataclysm or will just end.  Perhaps a meteor?

  5. we are going to fry like the dinosaurs....

  6. I think the world is going to end when gas prices go down and stay down.


  7. It wont be global warming.  I assume you mean the dying off of humans, not the actual destruction of the Earth.

    It will be either be a virus, or an asteroid impact in 2028 or 2032.  

    People are a delicate species, we were meant to eventually become extinct just like the 99.9% of species that have died off before us.

  8. when our sun expands to be so large, it heats and kills everything and vaporizes our oceans

    i think scientists predicted that to be about 3 billion years from now

  9. We will be destroyed by aliens.

  10. I predict this..

    either that or the bees will die off in 2035 and we will die off 5 years later.. that is what current experts are predicting

  11. I think that people are going to get so deep into war and so obsessed with "being the winner" that the us could drop an atom bomb, creating a block in the ozone layer, leading earth to a nuclear winter, in which we would die slowly from hypothermia.

    Or, yellowstone national park, which is just one big volcano, could erupt since it is overdue for an eruption, creating a block in the ozone layer, nuclear winter, blah blah blah, see first idea.

  12. mmmm the world itself will end as ether a empty lifless place blown up our awalloed by our own sun millions of years ago as the sun expands into a red giant and exploads but according to the question u asked I'm thinking its more society based question SO id say after huge affects of global warming happens and the governments hold over there nations loosen we will just be frantic morons running around war will be before this becouse thay will be fightign for resorces but we are already witnessing a downfall in govermennt in my opinion since so many of us are unhappy with goverment so thats my views enjoy (bad spelling i know)

  13. The History Channel seems to believe the Earth will end in 2012 in an Armageddon-type scenario.

  14. i think its going to be a bunch of different things. i think we will run out of resources around the time we all kill ourselves with war. i believe in the whole 2012 thing kind of. i just try not to think about it tho because im having a really good time right now and i really dont want it to end. i mean thats not fair that people are age arent going to get to experience growing older and everything. so i really really hope it doesnt happen for a really really long time.

  15. I think maybe a huge meteor or something or that nature will end the Earth. Global warming is horrible, but even that is not happening at a fast enough rate to do anything to any of us or the next couple of generations to come, so your kids n grand kids should be good ; )

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