
How do you think the world is going to look like in 10 years?

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How do you think the world is going to look like in 10 years?




  1. There will be global warming and then we would all have to live in space, on mars or under water. There will be no such thing as workers-we'll have robots. We will have only eco - friendly cars, or space ships... or submarines... We will only have one type of music. Guys will be flirting with chicks of the great great great grandaughters of our present president. We'll have time machines too. Lucky Guess... LOL.

  2. not that much different than it does now compare to 10 years ago.

  3. Same, but if some significant event happens then it will change slightly (EVENTS : Global warming, buildings that got ruined and terrorist attack and so on)

  4. Good people will keep doing what they do best. Finding more answers

  5. good question....i won't think it'll change much..since its not THAT much years away from 2008. except we'll have new gadgets!! and global warming will probably get a little worse...

  6. Housing won't have changed much, but 2/3 of the cars on the road today will have been replaced, presumably with smaller, more aerodynamic cars.

    China will have a much bigger economy than the US, but a poorer population still.  Africa will still have extreme poverty, strife, and AIDS.  Birth rates will fall in reponse to high food prices, and with it, crime rates.

  7. hmm, well 10 years ago in 1998, not too much has changed, the only major thing that has changes is that now almost everybody has a cell phone.

    So I would imagine the same things in ten years, maybe we will have video conferencing phones then

  8. cars that run on something different than gas and we will have smaller, faster vehicles. The world will be more crowded and less trees and stuff. definatly more crime....

  9. humans will use robots like the movie WALL. E

  10. the landscape will change. most of the things on the land mainly focuses on gaining energy (solar, wind energy, who knows maybe a new kind of energy maybe found). lots of wind turbines and solar panels and weird looking houses which are very environmental friendly, haha. but it would be interesting if that happens because know one knows if doomsday does really come by 2012.

  11. if you are standing on the Moon I would say the Earth would look about the same.

  12. Alot like it looks now. Maybe a little cleaner since today's cars are basically non-polluting and there will be more modern cars on the road in ten years. India will even more of a hellhole than it is now due to the booming population and disporpotionate size in land area. China and Mexico will being competing for the most polluted cities in the world, you see it's ok for developing economies to spew toxic waste/pollution but should a civilized country pump more than a few grams of the dreaded Co2 into the air, there's h**l to pay.  

  13. Wow...tough question...I believe that we will all have chips embedded in us and we will be slaves to Lucifer.

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