
How do you think the world will eventually end?

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within a couple hundred years unreligious wise, put in order most likely to least likely may be the way the world could end...

A. Global Warming(tornados, uncontrollable natural disasters)

B. Nuclear War(Mutual Assured Destruction)

C. Viral Outbreak(Some kind of new virus tearing through humanity)


go ahead =)




  1. the sun eating us in 5 million years.

  2. a comet is gonne hit the earth

  3. (A) global warming

    (B) a bang?? lolz

  4. I'm gonna go with B. I've always said that all of humankind if going to eventually blow itself up with all these new bombs and weapons we keep comming up with, lol.

  5. My guess this planet will be abandoned as it gets too cold from being pulled outside of its orbit by a new giant comet.  We will soon have the capability to seek new worlds with the space station we now have as a building platform for the size of crafts that are needed for a journey to the next earths.

  6. Don't know, but then I won't be around anyway!

  7. We all will just drown

    So better start building your ark


  8. The earth will heal itself after we destroy ourselves. At our present population growth. Most of us will be wiped out with a plague or virus in a few hundred years. When the sun burns out then the earth will end when the sun goes super nova. I find it highly presumptous to believe that someone as insignificant as we are believe we have more than the slightest impact on our massive home. We will destroy the environment for ourselves and many other animals, but eventually, we will die off and the environment will rebuild and new life will form to supplant us.

    We are nothing, but tocks on a clock. Eventually, A new hour will be upon us and we will not be here to pretend we matter.

  9. We humans are not that timid to sit and watch something eating away their planet. However, I dont think the destruction can happen all of a sudden. If at all it can happen, it will be a gradual process.I'm not opting for any of your choices coz, We will surmount these obstacles.

  10. B.C.A.D.

  11. World will never end . Points ABCD cannot do any harm to sky, sea and land. Some animals, men may die, but that loss is insignificant.

  12. I think the world will not come to an end but recycle from good to bad and bad to good.

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