
How do you think these children were left 'home alone' for 2 weeks?

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  1. maybe the mother is in danger , who knows at the moment. will all come out in the end

  2. Not tolerated in our country, but don't know about Turkey. It may be normal there.

    Different cultures! Different rules.

  3. Hi, This is a strange case, i am so glad the children are all safe and well, the oldest child must be very a very responsible child to look after younger siblings so well.  As for their mum, well let's hope nothing untoward has happened to her, but there is also the chance that she has abandoned the youngsters and gone on honeymoon, or just simply left them. If the latter is the case then she should be jailed,  

  4. Mother is Turkish ~ maybe she didn't integrate with the neighbours, and people don't stick their noses into other peoples lives as much as in the past, with the breakdown of communities.

    Eventually it was a neighbour who intervened, so good on that person for noticing.

  5. it's a bit of a mystery up to now.

  6. Im not sure what to make of that story, it all seems rather vague!!

    If they were left home alone then surely the mother will be punished appropriatly... I dont understand how anyone can leave kids alone these days with everything that can possibly go wrong!!

    Just the what ifs terrify me. even at aged 11 a child is not responsible enough to take care of 2 younger children. Maybe someone else was staying with them if they were fed and taken care of like the story says? Maybe all isnt as it seems!

    How rather strange!  

  7. Sky News = Murdoch = treat EVERY story with a heavy dose of scepticism. I would never use this media link as a source for a question as they tend to run with half baked stories to be 'first' and d**n the consequences for any innocent citizen who is castigated in the process. The sooner editors are personally made responsible for serious mistakes through the courts, the better.

  8. I don't know how anyone could do that to their kids.

  9. Sorry Faith,I don't think about it or any other story like it.It's a mad,bad,sad world(Especially the deaths in your country,at the moment),and I have my own life to lead.Selfish? Yes! but i'm a misanthrope,and not afraid to say it.

  10. woman has probably gone on her honeymoon, would prosecute people like this. You just cant dump three children for weeks, not even for a day, anything could have happened.  

  11. It's all a huge mystery at the moment. The kids were found under a bed? Why? Had they been told to hide if they heard anyone in the house? Who fed them? How long had they been alone?

    It's a bit too vague to make an informed decision just yet.

    However, no matter what the situation, there is no excuse for leaving three young children alone like that. Ever.

  12. It is called child neglect and just all around bad parenting, it even happens in England.

  13. Police have said that the 3 kids were all well and had been fed. I wonder by who ?

  14. purposely that's disgusting

  15. they're as bad as the mccanns

  16. The 'how' is easy - their mother left the house and didn't come back.

    I'm more concerned about the 'why'?  Did she leave them intentionally or is there something more to this story?  It seems the children were scared of being found - why else were they under the bed? - is that because she told them to hide or because they are scared of being separated by social services?  

    It's all a bit vague and so rather mysterious.

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