theres this lady ik that is 66 years old now and she is the MOST gorgeous...stunning woman i have ever seen in my entire life. she was even MORE beautiful when she was 30 and 40 adn 50 of course, she was amazing then. her mother neverrrrrrrrrr gave her any compliments because she was jelous of her talent to sing. shes one of the most amazing singers ive ever heard in my life. when she was 10 and younger she would never tell her daughter she loved her, that she was great, or that she can do anything she sets her mind to, she never said anything like that. when this woman got alot older she asked her mother "why didnt you ever give me any compliments?" and her mother said "i didnt want you to get a swelled head." whats that supposed to mean? thats not the reason why she didnt. and this woman asked " you think im pretty?" (because alot of people didnt and still might not think shes pretty) and her mother said "..whats pretty anyway? ..look what good it did your sister." (everyone thought her younger sister was more beautiful. how do you think this woman felt when her mother said that? thanks