
How do you think this trade is?

by Guest31806  |  earlier

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Bulls After the Trade

PG: Derrick Rose Larry Hughes

SG: Ben Gordon Thabo Sefolosha

SF: Luol Deng Stephen Jackson

PF: Tyrus Thomas Drew Gooden

C: Al Harrington Joakim Noah

Warriors After the Trade

PG: Monta Ellis Marcus Williams

SG: Kirk Hinrich Kelenna Azubuike

SF: Corey Maggette Andres Nocioni

PF: Anthony Randolph Brandan Wright

C: Andris Biedrins Ronny Turiaf




  1. pshhh if i were the bulls i wud take this trade in a heartbeat your gettin jackson and al harrington for nocioni and hinrich  

  2. its cool

  3. bulls only win it aint happening

    unless golden state is going to be racist and get rid of black guys to get white guys lol

  4. Great Trade

    But I Think U Should Leave Nocioni And Jackson Out Of It

    And Send This Trade to The Bulls or Warriors And they Will Both Accept it

  5. cool trade:)

  6. thats a great trade

  7. If you left Stephen Jackson and Andres Nocioni out of the deal, i think it would be great!

    The reason being that Jackson is their only captain and veteran leader of the team. I doubt they would let Davis leave and then trade Jackson

  8. horrible moves for both teams. Poor Steven Jackson. Poor Kirk Heinrich. (he is much too small to be playing 2 guard on anybody's team)  Poor Nocioni. (the beginning of his end) Poor Larry Hughes(This vicious cycle. He'll have 30 jerseys before he retires.)

  9. dumbest trade ever!!!!

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