
How do you think we can bring about interest in politics amongst the youth?

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How do you think we can bring about interest in politics amongst the youth?




  1. They might get interested if this war goes on and the draft looms on the horizon. Most people don't pay attention to politics until it becomes personal. In the '60's, young people got interested when their lives were at stake.

  2. If only someone had the answer. As a parent of a small child, I feel it is my responsibility to teach him the importance of the democratic process. He always goes w/ me to vote. I hope that this lays the foundation for him to get out and vote when he is old enough.

  3. you can't. most 18-25 are more concerned with the party friday night than who leads the country. they do not see nor care how it affects them. this is not all but most. i wish i knew.

  4. It will take a while, the answer lies in the Educational System.As long as the feds run our system of education and do not let the states and local school districts have a free hand in how they teach and what they teach---our youth will not be versed in history or how our country is supposed to be governed---As it is now the system is spitting out graduates in high school that could not pass a 6th grade exam given 50 years ago.---Abolish the Dept. of Education and then some patriotism and love of country can be restored.

  5. All the major parties could change their by-laws to ensure that one-third of the delegates at their local, state and national conventions are 30 years of age or younger.

  6. younger candidates  would do it, i think.

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