
How do you think we can to be evolution or creation ??

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i am being taught evolution and i am confused can anyone help me get a better undertanding of these concepts




  1. Just see II Peter 3:8.

  2. God 's Word in Genesis 1 and Exodus 20:11 clearly state that He created all things in six days and by adding up the geneologies of the Old Testament, the age of the earth is around 6000 years old. The way that God created things also contradicts macro-evolution....

    Animals were created to reproduce after their kind...not to evolve from other life forms. We do observe micro-evolution or changes within species....that is in agreement with the Bible. Macro-evolution is fish evolving into amphibians, reptiles into birds, pre-apes into man, etc...

    Man was created in God's image...not from a common ancestor with apes.

    Birds were created before reptiles.

    Sin and death did not enter the world until after Adam sinned....God created a perfect world in the beginning and He called everything "very good" when He was finished on day six.

    Macro-evolution has never been observed but is an extrapolation of micro-evolution (which is observable) based on the premise of naturalism...that all life forms evolved or developed through purely naturalistic processes from a common ancestor millions of years ago.

    This is clearly not what the Bible teaches but is based on assumptions that cannot be verified since they supposedly happened eon's ago.

    There are problems with the theory and evidences that contradict it's assumptions and supposed of them is that dinosaurs died off 65 million years ago.

    There are many thousands of cave paintings, drawings, petroglyphs, temples, fabrics and ancient artifacts from around the world which clearly show man and dinosaurs co-existed until fairly recent times.

    A temple carving at Angkor Wat, Cambodia of a stegosaurus from around 1200 AD

    This site has many evidences of man and dinosaurs co-existing.

  3. I believe in creationism and it has never been discredited. With evolution, it's always [ fill in the blank] happened betweeen 50 million years ago or a trillion million years ago.

    I believe God created everything, and that people are not evolved from apes or ape like creatures. Think about it, if people are allegedly evolved from apes then why are some apes still apes and not people. Shouldn't all apes and ape like creatures be human. What was the deciding factor in deciding who would get to become human and who would be an ape? That seems pretty fishy to me.

    I believe the Garden of Eden was in Africa. I believe it was in Ethiopia, and that is where human civilization began. I believe people spread away from Ethiopia (and the Horn of Africa--except for the Habesha people and a few indigenous tribes). They filled the lands in Southern Africa, Northern Africa, and Western Africa. Then they moved to all corners of the earth and structurally adapted to the climate and diet.

    Ultimately, no matter what is taught in school, you have the right to choose what you want to believe. Many educated and intelligent people, whether they are scientists,doctors, lawyers, home makers, writers, scholars, etc.-believe in the Bible and what it says about God creating the universe.

    Here is a list of past scientists, who made huge contributions to science, who happened to be Christians.

    I hope this helps you.

  4. After something caused the universe to exist, as we know it, life began on earth 3+ BILLION years ago, and it has evolved gradually, over time, adjusting & adapting to changes in the environment & climate, which is why all the plant & animal life that we see, is so diverse!

  5. First of all there is no proof that we came from monkeys.  Thats why its called the evolution theory.  Second of all, if we came from monkeys then why do monkeys still exist.  Why did they just stop evolving.  Third of all the bible does not say the earth is 5000 years old.

    Verse one of Genesis says, god created the heavens and the earth.  Period.  Verse two says, and the earth became void and without life.  God didn't create the earth lifeless.  It became that way.  The bible only starts from the creation of Adam and Ave and leads to the birth of Jesus.  There were other people besides Adam and Eve in the begining.

    I like to think both are true.  Look at how God created Adam.  He create him from the earth.  Suppose there were single-celled organisms in the earth and he manipulatd them until they became Adam.  Then He created Eve from Adams rib.  Hmmmmm.  Perhaps a clone of Adam?  You would find DNA in a persons rib.

  6. Be very careful when reading some of these so called answers you are getting here.  Look up creationism for yourself and study it.  Then come to a conclusion of your own.  If you are a Christian, you will side with Creationism and know that the Earth is only about 5,000 years old, give or take.  God in fact DID create it and all it's possessions.

    Evolutionist will have you to believe that we all came from monkies and all sorts of ridiculous things.  Just remember that NOTHING in the Bible has ever been discredited although scientist have tried.

  7. If your confusion comes from putting what you are learning about evolution together with what you have been taught through religion, I suggest that you try to keep in mind that spiritual and religious ways of perceiving things are very different from scientific perspectives.  The basic assumptions are radically different and even the rules of making an argument are different.  

    The on-going arguments between 'creationists' and 'evolutionists' are a great example of what happens when people argue with a different set of assumptions and rules for rational thinking. These arguments sail past each other and never find a common ground. And the critiques of opposing arguments on both sides tend to sound ridiculous to the opponents.

    Religious belief tends to focus on revelation as a basis for explanation, while science has a whole host of rules grounded in observation and experiment (parsimony, testability, repeatability, peer review, etc). If there is no common ground, there can be no rational basis for argument. Sadly, respect for different points of view is not necessarily a hallmark of either way of thinking.

    As I told my students whenever I taught evolution in my historical geology classes, if you wish to see the hand of god in all of what I am about to discuss, that's fine with me and I would be happy to discuss spiritual matters with you outside of the classroom, but since this is a science class, and since many people in the class are likely to believe many different things, I would prefer if you would leave your personal beliefs aside and concentrate on what we are all here to learn about.

  8. I study evolution in school, and we did a whole unit on evolution vs. creationism.

    One thing that really pisses me off is when people who object to evolution don't know what the h**l they are talking about. Evolution DOES NOT SAY we evolved from monkies. It says that humans and apes had a COMMON ANCESTOR. Evloution traces common ancestors through time, and we can watch how transitional species show the development and change into other species. The important thing to remember is that evolution is not linear. It branches out. Several species can evolve from one common ancestor. And just because one creature evolved from another doesn't mean that the other will die off (this is my answer to the whole "if we evolved from apes, why are there still apes around today?"). If a mutation allows for them to occupy a new niche from the origional (not-mutated) species, then both can continue to live. If its not broken, why fix it? Those speices that died out became extinct because they weren't fit enough to compete for resources anymore.

    The problem I have with creationism is that when you just accept that God created us (and why can't you believe that God created us THROUGH evolution?), you accept that you simply can't explain it scientifically. Anthropologically speaking, when societies couldn't explain a phenomenon, they claimed it was by the work of the Gods (Greek gods and Goddesses? Early Byzantine Gods and Goddesses?). This is basically like saying, "okay, we can't really explain it, so God did it." This being accepted as the norm will allow for us to stop searching for answers. Science requires us to look for answers. If we stop searching, science will be basically at a standstill. Americans are already behind most of the advanced nations in science education. Bringing creationism into schools would bring us farther down.

    And you don't have to be an athiest to believe in evolution. Religion is not science.

  9. Sigh, Here we go again. The creationist red herring of

    "....Why are there still monkeys..."

    You go to the mall and buy the newest style of clothes. When you get home, why are there still old clothes in the closet? Explain that and you also answer the monkey question.

    Here's a hint: Your old clothes just don't magically disappear.

    Notice the replies of the creationists. They always say there's something wrong with evolution. Never ever why their theory, and creationism is only a theory, is correct.

    Creationists are a minority. The other great religions don't have any issue with evolution. There are hundreds of other cultures with creation narratives. They don't have a problem with evolution. Perhaps a world that billions of years old is too threatening to those that claim it started October 23, 4004 BC

  10. Everyone is taught evolution unless of course your in a either a private or home schooled.

    I 100% believe in evolution why because there is fact to back it up!! The only question is that of faith because the bible tells us Christians something completely different, what is important to remember is this faith is faith and fact is fact, you shouldn't have to give up one to hold the other. You got to just learn to balance. It also helps to understand that the bible was written 2000 + years ago by people who didn't understand the world in the way we do now. The many truths that are written inside the pages can be carried over into our modern lives. Hey more prove in the evolution right there!

  11. Go here to understand. ( click on evolution )

    Remember, we have overwhelming evidence for evolution and evolutionary processes. There is no evidence for creationism.

  12. from what i remember...

    a mam slept with a monkey.

    or something.

    and we have tail bones or something.

    and look like monkeys?

    and so we evolved from monkeys?

    I'm assuming.

    something like that.

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