
How do you think we would live in a million years?

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For starters this is assuming that a natural disaster didn't kill all of us here on Earth.

Please don't say that, "well by that time the sun would have blown up and killed us all etc as I think that before that would ever happen we would have the technology to colonize any planet we wish other that gas giants but maybe even them?

Here are some of my ideas,

We would have colonized our whole solar system by then other than gas giants unless we found some way to make a sold ground...

We would have the technology for FTL travel (Faster than light) and created new laws to allow us to do so as current laws don't let us.

We would have traveled to the next closest solar system to us with planets and colonized that system. (Maybe even more depending on when we discovered how to achieve FTL travel)

All colonized planets would be terraformed to an Earth like planet since we would have discovered how to terraform very fast (not instantly but fast like maybe within 100 years?)

Going to other planets for work would be a casual thing like us going to other countries for business trips.

Assuming we didn't figure out how to terraform planets fast we might have figured out how to genetically engineer ourselves to withstand extreme conditions like those on Venus. (I don't agree with doing this since humans are humans but it may be allowed in the future)

Those are some of my ideas and keep in mind that this is 1 billion years from now so I am thinking things like this for a reason. If you went back 100 years and told people in 1969 we would be on the moon they would think your crazy so don't call me crazy for thinking big... Then again we might have the technology to do these things in 1 millenia so you never know right?




  1. What makes you think that progress is inevitable and we'll be living (and working) in space or on other worlds?

    Maybe what happens is that civilization collapses, within the next few decades, there is never another (energy resources all used up) and man reverts back to an agricultural (if not stone-age) existence where superstition and ignorance rule the day.  We toil in endless physical labor until the meteor hits and extinguishes us.  

    This scenario is much, much more likely than some Star Trek fantasy.

  2.   An intelligent technological society like ours would have difficulty living beyond 500 years we have used up just over 100 of ours.

  3. John B is right. What is said is how it will happen. At the very moment in history when man might have carried the seed of Earthly life to the stars, those with control and power thought that they had more important things to do.

  4. looking to the cyclical trend of the past cultures i think people will be living in caves or bulding pyramids or an endangered species

    great q thogh

  5. well, im thinking the air is all brown and not blue anymore and there are heatwaves almost everyday.  

  6. In your initial question you ask for a million year crystal ball, and then in your sub-text you slip in a billion! A million years is a very long time for humanity or whatever we will become. Modern humans have been on the scene only about 100,000 years, a tenth that time. A billion years is really out there, man.

    Anyway, I'll slip my turban on and gaze cross-eyed at my crystal. I see ... well. Hmmm. I see a number of intelligent beings descended from "ancient" human stock, with genetic modifications, some natural and some engineered. Many species of these. The most powerful beings are a melding of human mind and technology, beings that travel the space between the stars or just sit and think with a billion times our intelligence. Earth has become something that we would call a cross between a park and a scientific laboratory for the preservation and improvement of indigenous life forms. Our descendants contacted intelligence out among the stars hundreds of thousands of years before, and they have essentially melded their minds together.

    The crystal is going dark ... That will be five cents, please.  

  7. If I live that long, I'll get back to you & let you know.

  8. Let me check with Barack Obama and I will get back to you.

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