
How do you think you would react if we were supposedly?

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visited or invaded by aliens? A type II or III on the Kardashev Civilization Scale? If they say things like they created us, manipulated our DNA, gave us technology slowly, watch us, control us, experiment on us, do planetary exchange programs, and control us? Many people seem to want to believe in aliens more than God Himself. I'm afraid many would be decieved and fall for it while laughing at the religious at the same time. I wouldn't fall for it. Do you think people would still believe when others like me are telling them in advance right now?

Have you seen Reagan's speech he gave to the UN about this?

I mean look at all the 'alien' stuff lately in the last 60 years. It's like they are conditioning us for some thing. When you even talk about it people say "tin foil hat conspiracy theorist" as a response in those almost exact words. Where did we learn all this from? Hollywood?

Would this below scare you?




  1. MANBIRD's CGI is great, but...

    This Is Not A Joke, and it will be on our doorsteps very soon as the 2012 prophecies of the Sumerians, Babylonians, the Hopi, the Cherokee, Chinese (I-Ching), Egyptians, Mayans, Jews, Muslims, and Christians become unveiled. If you don’t want people you care about to fall for it then tell them Yeshua foretold it in Matthew 24.

    Anyways, what would your leaders be doing acting like goofballs in the woods right now worshipping giant owls if real ‘intelligent aliens from other worlds’ were on their way here now?

    Why did Reagan give that crazy speech to the UN you mentioned?

    Why did we have to dig them up?

    Just replace ‘alien’ with ‘demon’!

    Are you familiar with Project Bluebeam?:

    What do you know of Iron Mountain?:

    Besides what would ‘intelligent aliens’ think of this guy?

    Who were crazy, satanic 'magicians' that cofounded JPL:

    [Remember that H.G. Wells not only wrote ‘War of the Worlds’ but “New World Order” as well.]

    They are our own craft blended with holography. Google and youtube things like:TR-3B, Vril Society, Haunebu, Thule Society, mercury plasma magnetic vortex, n**i Bell, Kaluza-Klein theory, electrogravitics, Thomas Townsend Brown, MK-Ultra, Vimanas, etc...

    You all must be wary of the blend of HDTV and the holographic technology we already have. For instance:


    Unfortunately, many will be decieved! They will say the aliens created us not God. They will show us a new form of religious thought. Wait how can we know all this in advance???

    Spread this news and spread the gospel. Put faith in God not science. Go save many souls for we are near the end of all things and Yeshua Ha’Mashiach comes very soon! God bless and keep all of you!

    And for your immortal soul's own sake, don't let them implant you with an RFID Verichip ('Mark of the Beast'-Revelation 13:6-18):

    [And all of this coincidentally just right before 2012... Hmmmm.... Especially after the Vatican has now 'sanctioned' our 'alien brethren'.

    Remember that we have talked about all this beforehand so you won't be fooled... Wake up people!]

  2. What are you trying to say dude?

    God made us 6000 yrs ago, and aliens are demons?

    Or, we have "recorded" history of 6000 yrs and aliens genetically created us back then, and are monitoring us?

    Either way, I'm asking you, which one is most plausible?

  3. I wouldn't be very happy.  And brownie points for actually knowing of the Kardashev Scale.  But to go more in-depth, the most likely advanced alien lifeform will be malevolent.  No one ever got anywhere by being nice, as stated more eloquently by a man named Darwin in the theory of natural selection.  It is well accepted by theorists that any advanced lifeform (i.e. Type 2-4) will be malevolent, because any benign species would have been wiped out or subjugated.

    In my opinion there is no reason that religion and science cannot get along.  Perhaps you have not heard of the Catholic Church's statement made earlier this year acknowledging the possible existence of alien life, pointing out that it is quite narrow-minded to limit God's creative abilities.

  4. We would react no differently. The only difference is the government and the controlled media (as well as major world religions) have suppressed the truth.

    If the truth were known by the general public, the the theory is that chaos would ensue.

    We are almost to the point where governments will be making official announcements like Mexico.

  5. If we were visited by ET aliens I would be curious, but cautious.  Of course, if they are advanced enough to travel thousands of light years they would almost certainly be technologically superior to us, so we would essentially be at their mercy.

    However, there is no reason to think this sort of thing has ever happened.  The idea of UFOs was born at the same time as the Cold War.  It was just a manifestation of the fear of foreign (i.e. Soviet) invasion.

  6. Please continue with your research...

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