
How do you think your culture relates to your social status in the USA?

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Does your culture (values, norms, ideals) directly relate to your social standing and how so?





  1. Your culture will have a big effect on your social standing.  If your culture values education, the more likely the chance you will go on to higher education.  As a result, you will tend to have a higher paying job than someone without a college degree.  Thus , you'll have a higher social standing.  If on the other hand, your culture does not value education, and values having multiple children at a young age, realistically, how high can your social status be?  That's just one example, but I think it's a clear and simple one.

  2. if i'm anglo-saxon i'll be ok no matter how low or high i be

    if i'm hispanic i'll be not-so-ok unless i'm rich.  the anglo-saxon white would still frown on me

    if i'm black, i'm not ok.  i'm frowned upon by all other colors except some female whites!

    if i'm asian i'll be no-so-ok.  the a-s are not sure, hispanics can be envious,  the blacks hate us.  

    its all a matter of perception, matter of upbringing to hv prejudice.  

    in my culture, i've been taught - all humanity is one, all religions comes from same source, all the world is one.

  3. there is no relation between my culture and my socioeconomic status, unless you say I wasn't born into a blue-blood heritage and that's why I'm poor

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