
How do you throw a rugby ball?

by  |  earlier

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in detail, poition of hands etc. pics/links would be helpful.




  1. behind you

  2. It depends on where or how you want to throw the rugby ball.

    1) Throwing the ball in by the hooker for a line-out.

    2) Feeding the ball into the scrum by the scrum-half.

    3) Normal passing between players.

    1) You need to be able to throw the ball, using one or two hands, from above your head, in a straight path down the middle of the two lines of players.  The ball cannot be thrown to either side of the line-out, ie, not straight, or a free kick is given to the opposing team. This takes a lot of practice to get right.

    Sometimes the hooker just throws the ball from his side 5 metres in field to get the person at the front of the line-out to receive te ball.

    2) The ball needs to be in a parallel position with the ground, held in both hands, with the longer side of the ball facing the scrum.

    The ball has to be rolled into the centre of the scrum.  The ball cannot roll, bounce, etc to one side of the scrum or a free kick will be given to the opposition.  This takes a bit of practice to get right.

    3) Normally, passing is done by the placement of your whole body, not just the hands.

    For standing up, walking, jogging, or running, you usually place the leg, of the direction you want to pass, to the side you want to pass.  Ie, if passing left, your left leg should be pointed towards the position you want to pass to.  Your left hand should be below the ball, with your right hand forcing, pushing, twirling, flicking, etc, the ball in that direction.  You can have your right hand move from the back of the ball to the front of the ball, or from below the ball to the top of the ball, to get the ball to move in that direction.

    You are best off finding the particular passing style that you have naturally, or are most comfortable with, and allows you to pass the ball however you would like to.

  3. Practice, practice and more practice.  Watch carefully how others do it get a partner and keep trying till it starts to happen like the throws you saw.

  4. very carefully

  5. there are different types to throw a rugby ball but the most basic would be to have the ball with your hand on either side, fingers pointing to one of the ends and then with both hand pull back and then thrust forward to release it.

  6. It's really hard to explain save for actually physically showing someone how to do it.  I myself just kind fo unconsciously picked up the technique during practices without anybody really showing me how.

  7. Never never never throw it forward.  No matter what, never throw it forward.

  8. Basically as follows...

    For passing to the right:

    Have the ball in front of you (not pointing away from you, side on)

    Have your right hand on the right tip of the ball closest to you.

    Have your left hand on the left tip of the ball away from you.

    Use your left hand to propel the ball to the right.

    Use the right hand as a guide.

    IMPORTANT!  Do not TRY to spin the ball.

    The ball should naturally spin as it rolls off of your hands.

    For passing to the left:

    Repeat but just swap left and rights.

    There is an excellent skills guide for basic rugby on the BBC sports, Rugby union section.



  9. very fast unless you like getting your *** kicked.

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