
How do you throw a <span title="curve/slider/slurve/cutter">curve/slider/slurve/cutte...</span> or any breaking ball?

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Could you please tell me how to throw a curve/slider/slurve/cutter or any breaking ball. I have tried to in the past but I just keep making my elbow hurt and I still haven't seen the ball break. I am 15+ because I have seen you need to be that age to begin throwing breaking balls.

Please give me detailed information and perhaps outside links too maybe. You don't have to tell me how to throw every single pitch but if you know how than that would be great. Thank you.




  1. Well, someone stated above with the curveball, you slow down your arm.  DO NOT SLOW DOWN YOUR ARM.  Hitters will pick this up.  You need to keep the same arm speed for every pitch.  Its all in the wrist when you throw something off speed.  Do not turn your elbow, thus why you are getting sharp pains in your elbow.  The only thing that should be sore after you pitch is your shoulder.

    The first off speed pitch I would recommend with you is the change up.  There are two different variations to the pitch, there is the three fingered change and the circle change.  The circle change is the more popular pitch because it usually has more movement down and has more change of speed.  You can see pictures of how to hold a circle change below in the sources spot.  You throw this pitch the same way as your fastball and the pitch will create its own movement.  Also, sometimes you need to play with how you hold it in your hand, whether it be deep in your palm or not in your palm at all.  That is purely preference on the pitcher.

    Another common off speed pitch you can learn is the curveball.  If you throw overhand (not 3/4s or sidearm), then this is a very easy pitch to master.  There are pictures below on how to hold it.  You need to keep the same arm speed as your fast ball, just snap down with your wrist in order to get downward movement.  Unlike the change up, this pitch should not touch your palm at all.  All the movement comes from how hard you snap your fingers and wrist.  Again, do not torque your elbow on any pitch, this will lead to sharp pains in your elbow.  And you will also have to get a feel for this pitch, maybe slide your fingers in a little different spot.  Every pitcher is different based on arm slot and how fast they can snap down.

    Good luck to you.

  2. Check out this website, it has great visuals if you want to learn the proper grips and mechanics.

  3. lol yea with your arm and hands

    when you throw the curveball, put your index and middle finger on a seam and your thumb on the bottom

    slow down your throw and snap your wrist downwards while throwing it

    hold the ball sideways

    the cutter you put all you fingers to one side and as you throw you switch them to the other side

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