We picked a song, "That's All" by Michael Buble for the processional, but I have no idea how to time it out. I don't have a DJ, the ceremony is on the beach, so my cousin is going to be starting and stopping a CD on a small battery-operated stereo. I guess we will need to start the song a little before, then all walk, but I have no idea how long that will take. Walking we have:
My grandmother and the groom's attendant
Grooms mother and her husband
Grooms father and his wife
My mother and my attendant (brother)
Then me and my dad.
And I guess the song should end shortly after we arrive. We aren't having a formal rehearsal since there are so few of us, just a quick run through, it's not a very formal ceremony. How do you know how to time it so it works out right? Any advice? How did you do it?