
How do you tolerate living with opposite roommates?

by Guest56881  |  earlier

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I guess it's all part of the experience, but I'm a college freshmen...and college housing couldn't have paired me up with people more opposite my interests. This makes for constant grounds of conflict, feelings of detachment, and various other toxic emotions I bottle up.

It's stressful as h**l, and I'm really trying my best. Wish I could live with people into what I'm into, but I suppose that'd be too do I deal with it?




  1. Ask if you can switch roommates.

  2. It's very hard to do and this is why I lived off campus and in an apartment with a roommate and then alone.  Some people cannot room with others, especially those who are so different then themselves.  It affects your studies, sleep, socializing.  If you don't need the whole college atmosphere, partying, and can live off campus your first year, I would suggest you do it to keep your sanity.

  3. I thnk this is a good learning experience for you.  No matter what in life you will have to tolerate people different than you.  As long as you are friendly and respectful to your roommates and they are the same back to you then it doesn't matter if you are different.  Your dormroom is a place to sleep and study.  You have a whole college full of people to  find a group that share your interests and who you can connect with.  Good luck and don't let this ruin your college experience.  This is a time to grow, mature, and become your true self.

  4. It's normal to be stressful like that since you are a freshmen.It's takes some time to get used to your roommates.Don't switch from the beginning,you wouldn't find a roommate who has the same interests as you,its really hard to find.Give them some time.If you have problems with them,tell them & don't bottle up.Bottling up will lead to explosion so don't do so.Be yourself & don't change yourself for the others.Once you get more settled,things will be much better.

    All I have told you is from my personal experience.I hoped I helped you.  

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