
How do you tone lower abs, thighs and buttocks without loosing weight everywhere else?

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I would like to tone my lower abs, buttocks and thigh region without loosing to much weight. Also whats a good workout method to help bring ur posture into a nicer proportion as my lower back has a slight bend in it?




  1. You should check out the ab routine on this website... What I liked about this program is that it tells you precisely what to work on. For example it tells you to focus on the mid area and burn your belly fat first instead of going for crunches straight away. Me and my girl friend have been following this workout. It's easy to do and we've seen some good results in the past 2 months.

  2. 10 situps

    10 V-ups (Touch your hands to your toes, but crunch your body so that they meet midway in the air)

    10 lemon squeezers (Position yourself sitting up, put hands at side, and move your torso back into a laying position while extending your legs straight ahead. Now just row your legs to a bend while crunching toward them w/ your torso, then go back to laying position. repeat process)

    10 back hypers (lay on stomach, basically a reverse cruncher)

    10 Leg lifts (Lay on back, lift straight legs to 45 degree angle, then bring back to ground)

    30 seconds of bicycles (Lay on ground, and mimick a bicycle pedal motion w/ your legs)

    10 side crunchers each side

    10 regular crunchers

    30 seconds of flutter kicks (Lay on back, keep both legs straight. Lift them up bairly, now alternate between raising each leg a little bit and brining it back down. This one is tought at first, but after a week it will be easy. Try to think of being a swimmer while doing this one)

    10 kick ups (Lay down, bring knees up toward chest, then kick legs upward to become straight in the air.)

    10 side double leg lifts (Hard to explain, basically lay on side, and lift both legs simultaneously as high as you can. Will feel weird at first)

    10 Forward Rows (Way too hard to explain, google it)

    10 Russian Twists (Google it)

    10 Scissor Kicks (Lay on back, spread leags apart in air, bring them back to center with one leg above the other, then alternate to mimick a scissor kicking action)

    Finish with a bridge for however long you think you can do it.

    Once this routine becomes easy, don't up the reps, just do the whole routine twice. (Left a few out for explanation's sake)

    Then also do your run at night. Cut excessive fat out of your diet, but you can have a little still.

    Do it and you will have some abs.

  3. Buy a machine called The Leg Magic. You can find it at Bed Bath and Beyond for about $130 and use one of their coupons for 20 percent off and you can get it for a little over $100.

    This thing is awesome. It only takes 15 minutes and comes with a dvd. You stand on it and it is curved at each end and you push in with your thighs and then push out. Ive told everyone to get one. My legs were so sore the first day or so but then I felt a lot stronger. It tightens up your outer and inner thighs and your butt. I can tell a huge difference. Try it. It hurts bad at first, but dont give really works! Ive been really impressed with it and had people comment on my thighs looking better.

  4. sit  straight always....

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