
How do you track a phone number? I keep on getting pranked?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Depends on the country you are in. (I don't know how to tell where you are)

    In the US:

    If you just want to know the name of the person calling you can go to and input the # into different directories.

    If you want to go thru your phone company, and file a complaint, the procedure differs based on your phone service provider and the are you are in. A company  I had didn't recognize a person just picking up the phone and dialing *57 (call tracing). They required you to first file a police report. Once that was done you had to call them back with the report info (report #, officer ID, and police department info). They would then have the trace put on the line and after each one of the harassing calls you would hit *57. They would leave it on for 2 weeks and after the 2 weeks was up they would send the info to the police department.

    That's just one of many possibilities.

  2. Call 611..

  3. Its different in every country. Call the police if it gets threatening. In Canada its *67 and it traces back.

  4. in north america , it is universial to press star 57 this prompts line trace by telephone company , once this is done contact local police . please dont ignore . to many different people , this is not a prank ,. thank you

  5. Just go to and do a reverse phone number search.

    You put the phone number in the reverse phone number search, and if it's a landline phone, it'll tell you their name. If it's a cell phone number, it'll tell you what cell phone provider they use. Then, you can call their cell phone company, and report them. That's how I do it.

  6. The police can help you, these are Wisconsin's laws.  You're area's laws may vary.   If it is this case, they may track it.

    947.012 Unlawful use of telephone.  


    (1) Whoever does any of the following is guilty of a Class B misdemeanor:


    (a) With intent to frighten, intimidate, threaten, abuse or harass, makes a telephone call and threatens to inflict injury or physical harm to any person or the property of any person.


    (b) With intent to frighten, intimidate, threaten or abuse, telephones another and uses any obscene, lewd or profane language or suggests any lewd or lascivious act.


    (c) Makes a telephone call, whether or not conversation ensues, without disclosing his or her identity and with intent to abuse or threaten any person at the called number.


    (2) Whoever does any of the following is subject to a Class B forfeiture:


    (a) With intent to harass or offend, telephones another and uses any obscene, lewd or profane language or suggests any lewd or lascivious act.


    (b) Makes or causes the telephone of another repeatedly to ring, with intent to harass any person at the called number.


    (c) Makes repeated telephone calls, whether or not conversation ensues, with intent solely to harass any person at the called number.


    (d) Makes a telephone call, whether or not conversation ensues, without disclosing his or her identity and with intent to harass any person at the called number.


    (e) Knowingly permits any telephone under his or her control to be used for any purpose prohibited by this section.

  7. do you have the phone number? if so, use canada 411 to do reverse phone search. If it is a private number, then call the police.

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