
How do you train a kitten??? please read ?

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I just got a Month and 4 days kitten. We took her away from her mother when she was 2 days before being a month. At first she wouldnt go to the bathroom, but now she does.... Just... not in the litter box. How do we train her to use it?? AND HELP SOON! SHE DOES IT ONE MORE TIME WE HAVE TO GET RIDE OF HER!!




  1. mine i asked someone who know cats very much and she told me to first make it smell its poo then smell the litter box it will only take 1 or 2 times to learn and i tried and it worked .

    G   O   O   D      L   U   C   K


  2. Take her to where she's peed. keep her head tight so she smells her pee and then immediately take her to the litter box and let her smell there too. when you're doing this talk with her with an angry voice: don't do it here.... next time you pee here..  , or anything like that, but let her hear your angry voice to have an idea that she's done a wrong thing and then get the idea of what is the alternative right thing to do.

    My grandma (who was very good in training the cats!) used to beat them on their head in the same time so she understands better that it was a bad thing. but this sounds harsh for a one month kitty I'd say.

    She's just so inexperienced and didn't have her mum to learn these things from!!

    Good luck!

  3. I believe the best thing is to continually introduce her to the littler box. If she is discouraged by this, it may be the litter your using. It may be overly fragrant or irritating. Try something new. Also if it is too deep (too much litter in the box) she may feel nervous and trapped. Cats will also continue to go to the bathroom in the places they have gone before, so make sure you thouroughly clean and deodorize the places she has gone before. I hope this helps, keep up the good work!  

  4. I've always left this training up to the mother and it's worked wonders. I really hope there was a good reason you took away that early. Kittens should be with their mother for at least six weeks, though preferably eight or more.

    I'm going to be mean and say she /should/ do it one more time because your home doesn't sound like a very responsible one for the kitten to be in.


    Lady, my sister and I live in a very responsible home. Dont tell her we dont. Your a witch. And Autumn,you spelt rid wrong. Stop hanging on her so much. Let her walk around.

  5. Normally her mom would train her to use the litter box. She's really too young to be away.

    But, make sure you have a litter box that is low enough for the kitten to get into and out of. Put something that she has peed on into the litter box so that she knows that she should go there.

    Just be patient. You have a small kitten who shouldn't be away from her mother yet. Don't give her away, she'll probably be put down since she's so young and most shelters don't have the staff to train and feed a kitten that young.  

  6. I've always left this training up to the mother and it's worked wonders. I really hope there was a good reason you took away that early. Kittens should be with their mother for at least six weeks, though preferably eight or more.

    I'm going to be mean and say she /should/ do it one more time because your home doesn't sound like a very responsible one for the kitten to be in.

  7. You have to show her the litter box that way she will know to go in there.

  8. You have to pick her up and put her on the litter tray yourself, everytime you think she is going toilet or everytime she wakes up. They do tend to sleep long hours, just like a baby, so the first thing she'll want to do is go toilet.

    Hope this helps.

    Remember to be patient.

  9. What you have to do is when you see it trying to go to the bathroom not in the box pick her up because she will stop as soon as you do and then you praise it for going to the bathroom. then you can put a little bit of drops of bleach in the box but not to much!good luck until next time I'm justine H Bye

  10. Put something that she has peed on in the litter box so that she associates the box with the smell. Don't use harsh cleaning products or anything with vinegar in it to clean up where she messes because this is like another cat competing for the territory.  

  11. Why did you take her so early???

    The best way is to keep a close watch on her until she starts sniffing the ground (or whatever she's on) and gives it a scratch ot 2.  This means she's looking for a spot to do her business.  Grab her and make a run for the litterbox!  She'll keep jumping out, but stand there and keep putting her back in.  Eventually she;ll have to use it.  When she does, have a kitty treat ready for her afterwards. Good luck.  

    If you ever get another cat, PLEASE don't take it from it's mother until it's at least 10 weeks old.

  12. unfortunately you took her before the mother could "train" her. what you can do is right after you feed her and she should still be drinking milk those little sharp teeth aren't hard enough to break the kitten kibble. you can try to stimulate her to go. get a damp towel and wipe her stomach in a gentile downward stroke. after a while you will get used to her and know when she is about to go. then you can start putting her in the litter box. just make sure that the sides aren't too high for her to jump in.

  13. try Cat Attract cat litter.  website below.  you could be a little more patient.  she is just a baby.

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