
How do you train a yokie?

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  1. I have had two rescue yorkies and it takes a lot of patience, consistency, and attention.  Yorkies do not have the same desire to "please" that most other dogs do.  They are very independent and get fixated on whatever has their attention for the moment.  But you can't fault them for that; it is in their breeding.  They were raised to be "ratters" and chase "varmints" down into holes.  So they can be very focused on "prey".

    There is a great website called  There are several groups on there where you can read about other experiences and ask questions.

    I would also recommend that you purchase a good book on the breed.  They more you understand about yorkies, the more patience you will have.  I once read that, "If you want a dog that is obedient and easy to train - DON'T get a Yorkie"!  So don't feel bad if you are challenged by your dog's (what I call) "yorkieness"!

    They are extremely smart and it would be wise for you to take your dog to get obedience training.  This is as much for you as it is for your dog. You will pick up some great tips and the experience will be very bonding for you both.

    Good luck, have fun, and don't take it personally if your dog wants to please itself more than you - that's a Yorkie!  And part of what makes them so interesting to live with.


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