
How do you transfer itunes to a new computer?

by Guest63364  |  earlier

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How do you transfer itunes to a new computer?




  1. You can back up your itunes to a disc and then just pop it into your new computer.  

  2. You mean the songs? You should of had the songs in the folder, just keep that folder in a flashdrive. If you mean the itunes program, I would just download it from here  

  3. log onto you itunes account on the new computer


    Hope this helps

  5. save them on a file then put them on a memory card and put the card onto the new computer!

  6. There are a couple of ways of going about this. Either way, you should download and install iTunes on your new computer, if it's not installed already. Next, you should replace the iTunes Music folder on your new computer, with the iTunes Music folder on your old computer. Next you can take one of two steps:

    1) Drag and drop every file and folder from your iTunes music folder onto iTunes, and it will import all your old songs into a new library.

    2) Replace the file named "iTunes Library" in your Music > iTunes folder  with the file of the same name from your old computer. This should copy your old library including your playlists, from your old computer. The danger here is that if there is any difference between the way your files are saved on your old computer and on your new computer, you'll get errors.

    One other thing: Songs purchased through the iTunes music store will likely have DRM protection. For these, you'll need to go into your iTunes music store account, and authorize your new computer to play your old songs.

  7. YOu cant its illegal

    But what u can do is put all the songs on a cd and transfer them  

  8. get itunes backup from you can backup from one computer and restore to another, very easy to use.

  9. just download itunes plug it in to your new pc and log on. it will transfer all your purchased songs and items

  10. go into itunes tan click advanced the consoidate librARY

    than put it on however many diskk u need than uploadi t onto u r ocmoputerrr

  11. For your iTunes library, there should be an iTunes folder containing all of the song files.

    If you're not sure where this folder is, then go to the start menu, click search, and search up 'iTunes'. Then look for a folder titled 'iTunes'.

    Insert a CD-ROM or USB. Go to 'My Computer', open it up, and drag the icon of the iTunes folder into the CD/USB.

    Now eject the USB/CD, and insert it into the new computer.

    Install iTunes onto that computer, open up iTunes, open up the iTunes folder on the CD/USB, and drag all song files onto the 'Library' section of iTunes.

    Done =)

  12. you go to and install tehn u put all of your cds in it!

    you can also save it onto a jump drive and put it onto your new computer, save it under itunes.

  13. you would have to back it up on a CD or flash drive...

    all the songs anyway.

    then you download itunes on the other comp and put the songs on it

  14. you need a storage unit with a lot of memory or a lot of write able cd's. but either way put them on the storage unit and then plug it in the other computer and copy the info to the computer you want.

  15. all you have to do is plug your  i pod into the computer and it will pop up and it should say do you want to transfer all the songs on your ipod to this computer and delete your old library on old computer so that way you only have one library its kinda confusing oh and it may come up as erase and transfer and sync

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