
How do you transform poppy seeds into opium?

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Today at school i learned that poppy seeds make opium. I won't try it, but i am really curious of how it gets transformed. Can anyone tell me?




  1. you should be very careful, asking questions such as this, you could get into awful trouble.

  2. They don't. The pod that the seeds come in makes opium, it's the sap, you harvest it by making tiny slits and letting it collect as they do rubber.  You need about 20 pods to make anything worth taking though.

    The seeds are a bit sappy in the pod, but only a bit.  The seeds you buy in tesco's have been dried and there's no drug in them.

    If you've been and bought some the best thing you can do with them is make some bread.

  3. You can't. It comes from the sap of the seed pod (the big poppy head). Not the seeds. And you need to have opium poppies, not just any old poppy.

  4. You just realised today?! Rofl! I learned it AGES ago when I was little. Opium poppy is usually a poppy on it's own.

  5. Opium is a narcotic formed from the latex (i.e., sap) released by lacerating (or "scoring") the immature seed pods of opium poppies (Papaver somniferum). It contains up to 10% morphine, an opiate alkaloid, which is most frequently processed chemically to produce heroin for the illegal drug trade. The resin also includes codeine and non-narcotic alkaloids, such as papaverine and noscapine. Meconium historically referred to related, weaker preparations made from other parts of the poppy or different species of poppies. Modern opium production is the culmination of millennia of production, in which the source poppy, methods of extraction and processing, and methods of consumption have become increasingly potent.

  6. See this website:

  7. get about 300g (or is it 3kg or sumtin) if poppy seeds (the type u use 4 bakin) nd pt them in a 2L bottle with a little hot water  shake for 5 mins every 5 mins 4 an hour   the seeds should be mushy gunk by now  put them in a sock and squeeze every last bit out    made it sold it never done it  DONT    not that great apearently nd highly addictive

  8. wouldn`t you like to know???

  9. Well, I don't know either. Law-abiding people never know these things, unless you're a cop.

  10. opium doesnt come from the seeds

  11. It worries me that your school is giving out incorrect information about drugs.

    There is one answer that hits the mark, the one about scoring the pod. That is how it's done, the resin flows from the cut you have made, is collected then dried in the sun.

    Check out Erowid for correct information about all types of drugs.

  12. You need to concentrate it.

    But it is illegal, obviously.

    Opium is used in morphine and heroin...I wouldn't wander around asking that one if I were you.

  13. Don't you think if that were possible that people would be hoarding poppy seeds? LOL

    It's not the kinds of seeds you buy in the grocery store.

  14. Nice try.


    or ask ur nearest drug dealer!

  16. if you give me your phone number  i will get the drugs squad to call you

  17. put the seeds in a bucket and cover with cat pee leave it to dry out about three weeks then you can smoke it enjoy

  18. when you grow the poppy, they grow tall. At the top they have a big ball like thing where the flower comes from. Right before the flower blooms, you cut the pod and take out all the black tar inside of it and let it dry. And there you go, opium.

  19. After the flower has died you are left with a large seed pod, what they do is cut this and the fluid that comes out is what they use to get opium.

  20. There are different types of poppies and while there is opium in poppy seeds you get from your local store, the quantaties are so tiny, you would need an imense amount of them to get high (check out the myth busters website)

    All in all, your looking at the wrong poppy!

  21. hahahahahah

    erm why?????????

    joker we lookin for a bit of a high are we?????????/

  22. Move to Afghanistan, they will show you.

  23. Opium doesn't come from poppy seeds. If you eat a lot of poppy seeds and take a drug test you can test positive for opium...thats all. Eat breakfast before school so you can pay better attention :-) jk

  24. I smell something suspicios

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