
How do you transport solar pond energy?

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How do you transport solar pond energy?




  1. This is one of the limitations of solar pond energy (or any solar thermal energy).

    A solar pond is a pond that is filled with water and salt.  The salt concentration changes as you move deeper and deeper into the water.  The sun heats up the water deep in the pond, but the heat does not rise to the surface because of the salt concentration.  Thus, the heat is trapped in the depth of the pond, and can then be recovered and used.

    You would use the heat by either physically pumping the hot water out of the pond and through your house (or whatever else you wanted to heat) or, more likely, by having a large heat exchanger in the bottom of the pond.  

    The heat exchanger would be like a large coil of pipes.   You would pump water from your home through the pipes, where it would warm up (because the bottom of the pond is warm).  The now-warm water would then travel back to your home, where it would heat up the house.

    You can see the obvious limitations here.  You can only move the heat as far as you can reasonably pump water, unless you turn the heat energy into something else, like electricity.

  2. Stirling engine- copper wires.

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