
How do you treat a cut lip on a child? (Accidental dog bite)

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Well my friend's daughter accidentally got a small cut on the left side of her bottom lip. She is 12. She was playing a little rough with her dog at night (when he gets cranky) and provoked him. I know it was pretty stupid, but how do you treat it? I don't think she can handle salt in her wound. We put some tissue on it and applied pressure, it's not bleeding much anymore. So, the cut is;

Only about 1 cm long.

Not too deep.

Bleeding has slowed down in about 5-10 minutes, possibly stopping soon.

Dog bite (he actually is a very sweet dog, just gets very cranky at night..).

On the left-lower lip.

Hopefully there's a treatment that isn't painful, she hates pain. Thank you!




  1. I would taker her to A&E just to be on the safe side, and if it is left it may leave a scar,

    they wont use stitches to tell her not to worry.

  2. If she has all vaccinations, keep applying pressure to wound.

    If she has not been fully vaccinated, take her to A&E immediately.

    It sounds like that dog should not be around children.  It needs to be relocated - dogs near children should not get "cranky".



  3. give her an ice pop it will numb the pain.. it should close up on its one.. clean it with a wet wash rag and a little bit of peroxide  

  4. The child needs to go to the A&E department, this is a dog bite & dogs l**k their genitals & a**s to clean themselves. She may need a Tetnus booster jab.

    depending on the deepness of the wound she may require it to be stitched or if it's small they would simply glue it for her, either way she deffinately needs to be seen by a Dr.

    Good Luck. X :-)

  5. you "stick"first aid and take her to a hospital and get an anti tetanus injection,,,(tetanus can kill) not to mention all the other poisons a dog bite can inflict,,,,hydrophobia,rabies dogs often can carry distemper on their teeth,,,i am glad i dont have you lot for a parent,

    hope the girl is ok tho,

    salt in a wound ,,,where did you train for that aah...yes on the film "mutiny on the bounty" inflict as much pain as possible,after an open wound,,,

  6. The bodies defences will stop the bleeding in time so this should not be a problem. Just apply pressure on the cut using a clean handkerchief or some other lint free material. Then you should as soon as possible get a Tetanus injection for her. If the dog is starting to get a bit cranky then I would be very careful from now on. As some dogs get older they have pains that you will not know about and when playing with the dog your daughter might cause some pain on it and the dog will respond to the cause of it,s pain.

  7. Don't put salt on it! That would only cause pain. Pressure is good. If it doesn't stop bleeding, take her to a dr. If the dog has been vaccinated in the last year, she should be OK. If not, rabies may be a concern too.

  8. The dog bit her - doesnt matter if it was cranky or not.  

    She needs a tetnus booster if shes never had one before.  Apply pressure to stop the bleeding.  Clean the wound with tcp or germaline (that shouldnt sting).  Not much else you can do with it.  Dont let her near that dog again.

  9. Ideally, you need to take her to hospital for a check. I mean,you can try bathing it, but still, its a big wound and if it got infected it could scar.

    The dog should really be kept away from her when cranky. Dogs are only naturally doing what they do,  

  10. Dogs should not be allowed to get 'cranky' with 12 year olds.....i think it was time you relocated it!

  11. Apply ice for 15 minutes or less to numb the area then take a colth or towel and apply pressure DO NOT STOP APPLYING PRESSURE.  Clean the cut ASAP by using preoxide or wipes. as infections ossur very fadt in cuts around the mouth .  If bleeding does not stop call your local doctor.

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