
How do you treat a sinus infection in a toddler?

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My 15 month old was exposed to another child with a sinus infection. (Thanks to that child's mom for lying and saying it was allergies) anyway my son has a little cough, stopped up nose and sneezes. He can't have cold medicine yet so I just have a cold mist humidifier, Vick's things you plug into the wall and baby ibuprofen.

Is this just like a cold that will run it's course or does he need to see a Ped?

I'm a first timer and "infection" sounds worse than a regular cold.





  1. you should go to a pediatrician to prescribe your child an antibiotic

  2. If it is a sinus infection (sounds like it is with the temp), you need to see a doctor for antibiotics, or if you are against that route, see a naturopath.

    If it's just a cold, it will eventually run it's course, but again, a naturopath could help with that.

  3. Is he running a fever? If its a sinus infection he may need to see his pediatrician. When my daughter has a cold we just let it run it's course. If she has a fever that won't break, or if the stuff coming from her nose is green (not clear) then it's a sign of infection and would need antibiotics.  

    EDIT: Maybe i'm reading your response wrong and if i am i'm sorry, but  I truly hope that your not saying that i or any other mother that takes their child to the doctor for antibioitics is inconsiderate. If your against it for whatever reason you have fine, so be it, thats your right, but don't call someone you don't know inconsiderate for doing what they feels is right for THEIR child!! THATS inconsiderate!!

    EDIT: Sorry, i understand now, and thank you for making it clear. I hope you both feel better soon!

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