
How do you treat bougainvilleas with severe wind burn?

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Bougainvillea standard suffered severe wind burn during tropical storm Fay. All leaves turned brown. can it be saved?




  1. generally with storm damaged plants one should just wait to see if it comes back.  cutting it back now could damage it further just as it struggles to survive. wait a few weeks.  if it's history, nothing you do now would matter anyway.  if it develops new growth, then prune out dead areas a little at a time.  bougainvilleas do best when neglected.  wind burn is not typical but it may have flooded.      

  2. It could have been too much rain that turned the leaves brown.  Bougainvilleas are quite sturdy and like drought conditions.  You could try cutting them back in order for new growth to be stimulated.  You could also supply some sort of temporary support like a wall, made from a plastic chair, or a wooden pallet just to give it a good boost with regeneration

  3. Excuse I don't speak  English well.  

    Bougainvillea spectabilis belongs a native plant of here, Brazil,  and it  supports the heat well, the problem is that it doesn't like water a lot, if the soil doesn't go well drained it can be dying drowned. cut a branch and make seedlings in place that is not humid.

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