
How do you treat sore muscles before a run?

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Ive been running a lot the past few weeks for cross country and were starting to get timed and stuff

but i have been soooo sore &i want to be able to run my fastest without being in so much pain.




  1. STRETCH before and after you run.

  2. Make sure you stretch before you run, and get a nice hot bath when finished!

  3. stretch. ice them when you are done. and make sure to stretch when you are done too. but don't be worried, sore muscles mean you are getting stronger.

    if you recently started running, try not to go all out at first too. build up to it. you don't want to pull anything.

  4. massage your feet

    soak your feet in water with salt

    sit on your back in your bed with the feet raised up against the wall(doesn't have to be a right angle though)

  5. stretch! do it before and after you run. take warm showers and use icy hot for really sore spots on your body. drink more water too and keep running. your muscles will eventually stop hurting.

  6. icey hot maybe

    run a few miles b4 u go on the cross country so ur legs are working when u do. or run on a tredmill

  7. masage the sore areas and DONT use muscle ointment cause that only makes u unaware of the pain but it dosent make the problem go away

    also try streaching before u run

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